John Delaney1851

John Delaney 1851

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

John Delaney married (Helen) Ellen Daly in Doonane, Queen's County, Ireland abt. November 1/22, 1869/70/71.  It is believed that both John and Ellen came from the same locale and were the same age b.1850/51.  

They migrated to Scotland and lived in and around the Shotts area of Lanark County.  John became a coal miner with Shotts Iron Works.  He worked in the mines until he died in Stane, County Lanark, Scotland on March 8, 1912 of respitory illness leading to cardiac failure.  It is not clear where he was buried.  

John and Ellen had 8 children; Elizabeth (b.abt.1874); Annie (b.1879); James (b.1878); Mary (b.1881); John (b.1884); Matthew (b.1886); Ellen (b.1888); Hannah aka Anastasia (b.1890).  Ellen continued to live in Shotts, Scotland until her death on June 23rd, 1924 at 73 years of age.  She suffered from chronic rheumatism and decline due to senility.  No doubt they had a hard life after moving to Scotland from Ireland. Living conditions for mining families was not good. Their struggles and adventurous spirit without doubt laid the foundation for future generations who have spread to far off countries.  

John and Ellen are my great, great grandparents and I live in Canada. I am now on a journey to identify their parents and beyond - a much more difficult task.  John Delaney's parents were Martin Delaney (coal miner) and Elizabeth Franey(Frany) and, (Helen) Ellen Daly's parents were John Daly (coal miner) and Margaret Kelly - I'm assuming they too, were from the Doonane, Queen's County area.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1851
Date of Death 1st Mar 1912


  • Hello, Mary Delaney was my great x 2 grandmother, daughter of Martin Delaney and Elizabeth Franey. She married Richard Nash. All were from Doonane/ Clonbrock/ Crettyard, Queen's County and came over to Scotland, where they died (Omoa, Cleland in what was the district of Shotts).

    So Mary Delaney and John Delaney were sister and brother. Image removed.


    Monday 11th September 2023 04:10PM

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