
John McAleese1824

John McAleese 1824

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John McAleese lived and married in Rasharkin. He married Mary Mooney also from Rasharkin and his first child Grace was born here. They moved to Scotland before 1882 as his second child was born in Scotland.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1824 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1888 (circa)


  • I have a John Mcleese born 1830 Rasharkin . Married Mary Ann Mooney 1849.

    Grace born 1851 Rasharkin before moving to Scotland where she married Alexander Mcmullen born in Ahoghill 1855

    Daughter Mary married Richard Hoey from Meath   in Moscud Lanarkshire

    Eventually they moved to Warrington Cheshire.

    I recently started tracing these people for my husband.


    Sunday 8th November 2020 09:59PM

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