
Mary Rachel O'Donnell1843

Mary Rachel O'Donnell 1843

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Mary was my mother's paternal grandmother. She was born in Kilbehenny on January 23, 1843. At some point she emigrated to the USA and landed in Vermont. She married John Casey - born in County Clare about 1838 - in Montpelier, Vermont, on October 26, 1864. I have no idea how they met or if there was a connection in Ireland. They moved to Burlington at some time and my grandfather, Daniel Joseph Casey, was born there on July 7, 1884. Mary's parents were Edmund and Mary (Gallahue) O'Donnell. That's all I know about the O'Donnell side of my family.

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1843 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 2nd Dec 1912
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Edmund O'Donnell
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary Gallahue

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