Patrick Fahey1837

Patrick Fahey 1837

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Patrick Fahey was born 25 Feb 1837 in Dunnamaggin, Kilkenny, Ireland to parents John Fahey and Bridget Duphy.  Their other children were Bridget, 1840. William 1848. James 1851.

Patrick joined the 4th Royal Irish Draggons and served for 21 years.  He married Maria Ann Smith on 20 Jul 1861​ at the Register Office in Coventry.  They had 8 children born in Ireland and England, depending on where the Dragoons were stationed at the time. Mary Christina 1863. Jane, 1964.  Walter, 1866. Wiliam Thomas, 1869. John Robert 1873. Stephen Christopher, 1874. Joseph Henry 1879. Florence Faith 1881.

Son Walter changed the spelling of his name to FAY in 1891.  He married Jane Lomas on 27 Sept 1891 in Manchester.  They had 2 children, Jane, 1892 and Walter, 1894.

Jane married Ernest Beresford who was my grandfather.  They had 6 children, Charles Ernest, 1917, Norman Leslie, 1920. Douglas Walter, 1922. Constance Joyce, 1925. John Austin, 1927. Harold Sydney, 1931.

Charles married Sarah (Sally) Bingham on 22 June 1939. They were my parents.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 25th Feb 1837
Date of Death 30th Dec 1900

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