
Phillip Welch 16431643

Phillip Welch 1643

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Phillip Welch was born about 1643 in Ireland, the child of Philip. He married Hannah Haggett on February 20, 1666, in Wenham, Massachusetts. They had eight children in 23 years. He died sometime after 1716 in Massachusetts. 

He, and some others, were kidnapped by George Dell and was brought to Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts in May 1654 in the ship "Goodfellow". He and his companion William Downing had their indentures purchased by Samuel Symonds, a prominant member of the Ipswich, Essex County community.

The first-hand account of their experience is told in "The Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, Vol. II 1656-1662" This and additional volumes of these records are available for free on Google Books.

Bill of sale, dated, May 10, 1654, from George Dell,* master of the ship Goodfellow, who "sould until Mr Samuell Symonds two of the Irish youths I brought over by order of the State of England: the name of one of them is william Dallton: the other is Edward welch, to serue him," etc., for the space of nine years, in consideration of 26li. in merchantable corn or live cattle, before the end of the following October. Wit: Georg Manning.* "17th of May 1654.

George Dell gets both of their names wrong on the "bill of sale". The boys only spoke Irish and he didn't bother to check their names.

 Here is the full account:

Samuell Symonds, gentleman v. Will. Downing. For absolutely refusing to serve his master, Mr. Simonds, any longer, there being several years yet due, according to the purchase from the shipmaster who brought him over to sell.*

Samll. Symonds, gentleman v. Phillip Welch. For absolutely refusing to serve his master, Mr. Simonds, any longer, there being several years yet due, according to the purchase from the shipmaster who brought him over to sell.* Writs, dated, May 15, 1661, signed by Robert Lord, for the court, and served by Theophilus Wilson, constable of Ipswich.

Samuel Symonds,* gent. Complaint to Salem court, June 25, 1661, against his two servants.

Defence of William Downeing and Philip Welch: "We were brought out of or owne Country, contrary to our owne wills & minds, & sold here unto Mr Symonds, by ye master of the Ship, Mr Dill, but what Agreement was made betweene Mr Symonds & ye Said master, was neuer Acted by our Consent or knowledge, yet notwithstanding we haue indeauored to do him ye best seruice wee Could these seuen Compleat yeeres, which is 3 yeeres more then ye use to sell ym for at Barbadoes, wn they are stolen in England. And for our seruice, we haue noe Callings nor wages, but meat & Cloths. Now 7 yeares seruice being so much as ye practice of old England, & thought meet in this place, & wee being both aboue 21 years of age, We hope this honored Court & Jury will seriously Consider our Conditions."

The plaintiff's plea: That he had about ten acres of Indian corn to be tended and had to hire divers workmen; that during all this court time, his two servants, being all the men he had, were not working, and consequently all his cattle, fence and family were left destitute; that the bargain made between George Dell, the shipmaster, and the plaintiff was still in force, etc.

The jury reported a special verdict, that if Mr. Del's covenant be according to law, then they find service due from defendants to plaintiff until May 10, 1663; if not, they find for defendants. Judgment for plaintiff, Mr. Dell's deed legal, and said Downing and Welch to serve Mr. Symonds until 10:3:1663. Appealed to Court of Assistants. They promised to serve their master faithfully until the next court.

Bill of sale, dated, May 10, 1654, from George Dell,* master of the ship Goodfellow, who "sould until Mr Samuell Symonds two of the Irish youths I brought over by order of the State of England: the name of one of them is william Dallton: the other is Edward welch, to serue him," etc., for the space of nine years, in consideration of 26li. in merchantable corn or live cattle, before the end of the following October. Wit: Georg Manning.* "17th of May 1654.

"Whereas in the writing aboue mentioned there was a pviso for good assurance, and seing that the younger youth in the said writing is called Edward, and that upon his arrival at Ipswch such as doe well understand his language doe say he owneth his name to be Philip, And whereas divers English are put out apprentices who at the end of their terme are older then he wilbe; and for incouragment of his master in teaching him what he conceive may doe him good, and that it wilbe tyme soon enough to goe out of service & betake himself to mannage a family, It is agreed between the abovesaid George Dell and mr Samuel Symonds as followeth That two yeares more are added to the Terme of the said Philip who in the writing above is called Edward welch which maketh it eleven yeares from the day of the date thereof. And the said Samuell doth hereby accept of both the said youths as having good assurance." Signed by George Dell.* Wit: Joseph S(we)tt,* Joseph                                  * and Georg Maning.*

Kelecrist Ros deposed that upon a Sabbath day night before the last March court, he heard William Douney tell Mistress Symonds that he would get free if he could, when he had served seven years. Further, he heard William and Philip tell their master on the morning that the constable came for them, that if he would pay them for their time until Salem court, they would stay with him, but Symonds refused unless they would give security. When their master first brought them home, deponent asked William what Philip's name was and he said it was Philip. Sworn, June 24, 1661, before Daniel Denison.*

John King deposed that he "with divers others were stollen in Ireland, by some of ye English soldiers, in ye night out of theyr beds & brought to Mr Dills ship, where the boate lay ready to receaue them, & in the way as they went, some others they tooke with them against their Consents, & brought them aboard ye said ship, where there were divers others of their Country men, weeping and Crying, because they were stollen from theyr frends, they all declareing ye same & amongst ye rest were these two men, William Downeing & Philip Welch, and there they were kept, until upon a Lord's day morning, ye Master sett saile, and left some of his water & vessells behind for hast, as I understood." Sworn in court, 26:4:1661, before Hilliard Vern, * cleric.

John Downing testified that William Downing and Phillip Welch, with several of their countrymen, were taken up and stolen by the ship master or some one whom he hired. The Ship-master, George Dill, was fain to go away and leave his water and much of his provisions behind for fear the country would have taken them from him. Sworn, June 24, 1661, before Daniel Denison.*

John Downing further made oath that he knew that he and three or four others of his townsmen were taken up by force; that he did not know the two parties in question, but they said in the ship that they were stolen and brought by force.

Naomy Hull, aged twenty years and upward, deposed that one night before her master Symonds' servants, William and Philip, were arrested by the constable, they came into the parlor to prayer with the rest of the family, and Philip asked if Goodman Bragg's son was coming to plow tomorrow. Her mistress said she thought so, that he said he would consider it. Philip then asked who would plow with him and her mistress said, "One of you." Philip said, "We will worke with you, or for you, noe longer. Then said my mr, is it soe? What will you, play? Then both of them stood in it & expressed that it was soe, & that they had been with you (speaking to my master) longe enough. We have served you seaven yeares, we thinke that is longe enough; Then said my mr But we must not be our owne Judges; and said my mr you must worke for me still, unless you run away. Then said william, we scorne to run away. Then said Philip, we will goe away, & leave you before your faces. Alsoe they did both speak to this purpose; If you will free us, we will plant your corne, & mende your fences, & if you will pay us as other men, but we will not worke with you upon the same termes, or conditions as before. (And this was upon mris lake her asking of them why they would offer at such a tyme to goe away mentioning some words how my masters business did lye my mris having alsoe said, let them alone; now they are speaking let them speak their owne myndes) whereupon they answered as before. When my master had said come let us goe to prayer, Philip said you may go to prayer; we will speake more in the morning. And towards the end of ye discourse upon some occasion or question both answered & said it is soe, it is soe, they appearing resolute to leave my master as they had said. In the morning when the constable was at my masters howse (about the arrest) motion was made by the constable, or one that was with him, tending to pswade my master to let them alone, saying surely they will goe on in your business. my master answered noe; unless they be secured." Sworn, June 15, 1661, before Daniell Denison.

Mrs. Margaret Lake testified to the same, and also that Philip said in the morning that if his master would give him as good a portion as any of his children, he would serve out his time. Sworn, June 15, 1661, before Daniell Denison.*

Martha Trotter testified the same as Naomi Hull, and also that one of the Irishmen said one night that they would stay no longer unless their master showed them some other grounds. She heard Philip say to his mistress that now they had served seven years, they were under no authority of the country, etc. Sworn before Daniel Denison.*

Ralph Dix, Richard Nicolls and Samuel Younglove, deposed that they went with the constable of Ipswich, when he served the warrant on the two Irishmen, and that one of the latter asked to see by what authority he kep them. Mr. Simonds said if they constable would stay he would see, and he produced a writing, which, he said, was all he had to show for them. Sworn June 23, 1661, before Daniel Denison. *

*Bill of costs, 1li. 5s 1d.

Verdict of the jury in the case of Samll. Symonds, gentleman v. Will. Downing and Phillip Welch, his two servants: That if Mr. Dell's covenant be legal, they found service due said Symonds until May 10, 1663; if not, they found for the defendants. Court adjudged the covenant legal, and ordered said Downing and Welch to serve their master until that date. Appealed to Court of Assistants, but giving no bonds to prosecute, upon agreement of all parties, Welch and Downing were to serve Mr. Symonds until the next session of the Court of Assistants, and the latter was to allow them liberty to attend that court.

* Autograph

He married Hannah Hagget on the 20 of February 1664/65 (double dating due to calendar shift)

This rather cryptic entry is about his marriage and a couple of his decendants:

PHILIP, Ipswich 1664, m. 1665, Hannah, d. of Henry Haggert of Wenham, had Philip, b. 27 Dec. 1668; and Moses, 25 Nov. 1685; perhaps others; rem. to Kingston, N. H. there his s. Samuel had Samuel, b. 1 Sept. 1710, wh. d. 5 Apr. 1823, aged therefore 112 yrs. 6 mos. and 23 days, as Farmer, in 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. I. 158 notes, prob. the oldest man kn. as native of any part of our country. See also his Ed. of Belkn. N. H. I. 208.

In other words: 

Philip, in Ipswich, married in 1664/1665 Hannah, the daughter of Henry Haggert of Wenham. He had a son named Philip, born on the 27 of December 1668; and a son named Moses, born on the 25 of November 1685; and perhaps others.  The family moved to Kingston, New Hampshire, there his son Samuel had a son named Samuel, born on the 1st of September 1710, who died on the 5th of April, 1823. He had reached the age of 112 years, 6 months and 23 days, working as a farmer. Massachusetts Historical Collection, Volume I, page 208.

The full citation for this is:

James Savage New England Historical Book Project, A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England, Before 1692. Volume I, II, III, IV, database, Html by Warren Wetmore and Debbie. Copyright for the new electronic version by Robert Kraft, July 1994. Reformatted in WordPerfect 6.1by Warren ( : November 2000), accessed Apr 23, 2010), marraige of Philip Welch.  Cit. Date: 23 April 2010.  


Also found in "The Quartery Courts of Essex County" is the following court case in connection with the estate of Robert Dorton, a countyman of Philip Welch:

humble petition of Edmund Dear, William Danford and Philip Welch to the Honored
Court now sitting in Salem. Their humble petition & request is that the Honored
Court would be pleased to take cognisance of a verbal will or guift made by Robert
Dorton which will be proved now at Court. The manner is as followeth Robert
Dorton having some estate to the value of twenty five pounds in good specias, which
he left in the hands of John Ring and ordered it so theat if he came not here within
the space of three years, then he willed the said somme with the use thereof to four
of his countrymen, namely Edward Dear, William Danford, Philip Wealch & John
Ring, and to that party of the four that was in most need at the three years end, he
was to have the biggest share. Now it is almost six years sinse. The Honored Court
is petitioned to that they would do in this case seemeth good unto them.

John Ring was the one who told the story of the kidnapping, as related earlier, and Edward Deare was one of the witnesses to a deed of sale made by Philip Welch on July 17, 1700. The Court settled the estate in accordance with the wishes of Robert Dorton as expressed in the petition, but demanded security of each of the four in case said Dorton should return. The following extract will show the manner of division:

Whereas Robert Dorton left by will 25 pounds, to several persons, John Ring,
Edward Deare, Philip Welch, and William Danford, and said Dorton having been
out of the country these four years and a half and not heard from, Court ordered that
Edward Deere have 10 pounds, and the other three 5 pounds, each, Deere to pay the
charge of settling the estate.

The family appears in the records again when they sold a property in Topsfield, Massachusetts. 

 Essex County deeds: March 4, 1673/4 Philip Welch with Hannah his wife, living in Topsfield, Mass., for good and valuable consideration, sold to Isaac Easty of same Topsfield, 20 acres of land in Topsfield, bought of Thomas Baker of Topsfield, on the south side of the great river called Ipswich, in the 1st. division, in two small lots, the one whereof was somtine Matthew Stanley's and the other Anthony Carroll's, given them by the town of Topsfield, being the 13th and 14th lots in that division. (signed) Philip (P) Welch Hanna (C) Welch Hanna Welch consents; Ack. Mar 31, 1674 Witnesses Thomas Baker Priscilla Baker Richard (O) Smith

He was a member of the militia that fought against the Narraganset in "King Phillips War". 

 A list of ye names of Capt.Gardiner's Souldiers for this p'sent Expedition (mustered for service on this date. Name on the rolls of those originating in Lynn, MA.)  Mass. Archives, vol. 68, p. 93 (original source material).     On May 12, 1675, the militia of Salem was divided into two companies by order of the Court, and by the same order the election of Joseph Gardiner as captain of the First Company in Salem was confirmed. When the expedition against Narraganset was organized, Capt. Gardiner was appointed, November 3, 1675, to command the company raised at Salem and the adjoining towns, and mustered his men, ninety-five strong, at Dedham Plain December 10th, and marched with the army towards the rendezvous at Wickford. During the march several skirmishes took place, and Mr. Hubbard relates that some of Stone-wall-John's crew "met with some of Capt. Gardiner's men that were stragling about their own business contrary to order, and slew his Sergeant with one or two more." In "Capt. Oliver's Narrative" it is related that on this occasion the Indians "killed two Salem men within a mile of our quarters and wounded a third so that he is dead." The names of these are given in the list below. The fall of Capt. Gardner is thus related in Church's "Entertaining History:"

After the conflict he moved his family to Marblehead, Massachusetts, they appear in the court records again.

 Early in 1676 PHILIP (JR.) moved from Topsfield to Marblehead where he was a fisherman. On 31 May 1679 PHILIP (JR.) sued the master of the catch for wages which the court awarded him.

Moved: by, 29 April 1679, Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.¹ from Marblehead. It is said that the town fathers of Marblehead forbade PHILIP (JR.) to reside in their town because he had no money.

In March 1680, Hannah Welch testified with her husband concerning some wood brought by Robert Bartlett's men to Welch's house for the use of William Jerman, Welch and Jerman then occupying the same house in Marblehead. Hannah was then "aged abut twenty-five years, and Philip about thirty-six years."

At a Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, held September 13, 1680, in the case of Leach vs Knight, Philip Welch was one of the witnesses. He deposed:

 "that he was about thirty-seven years of age," and saith that some time in the latter part of this last winter corp Whipple of Ipswich, myselfe, Robert Knight and John Elithorp being in company together, the afore faid John Elithorp and Robert Knight falling into dispute, about the farme that is in controversie, call kettle cove farme y then did heare the aforesayd John Elithorp say that he the aforesayd Robert Knight had received a great delae of money, and further the aforesayd Elithorp sayd that he was very sorry for it speaking abute the sute in law which had formerly beene abute the aforesaid farme, then y that is thiss deponent, sayd to John Elithorp, how durst you offer to be an atturney against this man, speaking of Goodman Knight then present, knowing that he hath soe much money, Elithorp sayd that he was intised soe to do along with the rest.

 About a year later, on April 27, 1681, he appeared in court in a case in which his son was involved, testifying that he had put son Philip to a man by the name of Ireson as his servant for one year.

In March 1686, when "aged abut 44 years," he testified in an Ipswich case, Potter vs. Lummus, deposing that in 1685 he was working with Edward Potter.

In September 1691, Philip Welch, age 49 years, testified in the case of Davison vs. Potter concerning some sheep; his son, John Welch, age about 21 years, also testified.

Philip Welch of Ipswich, laborer, in consideration of a sum of money, sold to Francis Crumpton of Ipswich, massachusetts, Innholder, forty acres of upland and swamp in Andover; one of the bounds was three swamp oaks between Moses Haggett's and Francis Crumpton's which Crumpton bought. The witnesses were Nathaniel Rust, Senr., Joseph Choate, and Edward Deare. The deed was acknowledged February 3, 1701.

He was involved in a court case on 11 April 1710 in Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.¹ was fined 5 shillings for public drunkenness. (Court of General Session) Possibly Topsfield.

He was involved in a court case on 22 April 1713.¹ owed George Vaughn money. Inferior Court of Common Pleas:Vaughn said 3 pounds 2 and the court allowed 2 pounds 8:3.

He was involved in a court case on 23 April 1716.¹ owed money to Alcock and Field. Inferior Court of Common Pleas: (amounts unkown).

[There are additional cases in the records involving relatives, I will add them as time allows]

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1643 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 1st Jan 1716 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Names of Children Philip (1668), John (1670), David (1672), Thomas (1674), Samuel (abt 1675), Hannah (1680), Moses (1685), Thomas (1691)


  • I am starting genealogical research and am related to Philip Welch, but cannot trace further than ship and arrival in America. Any clues?


    Sunday 29th April 2018 11:04PM
  • Hi John,


    I would suggest posting a message to the message board aswell, if you don't get a response here.

    Best wishes


    IrelandXO Moderator DC

    Sunday 20th March 2022 12:20PM
  • Thanks for posting all this info on Philip Welch. Re the “cryptic entry” from Savage’s A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England. “Farmer, in 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. I. 158” refers to an article titled “Instances of Longevity in New Hampshire,” apparently compiled by John Farmer, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, third series, vol. 1, p. 158, at

    “See also his Ed. of Belkn. N. H. I. 208” means see Farmer’s edition of Belknap’s [History of] New Hampshire. Jeremy Belknap’s History of New Hampshire (3 vol.) was published 1784-1794. John Farmer then edited volume 1 of Belknap’s History, adding valuable notes. This was published in Dover, N.H., in 1831. These are also online.

    To johnnewell: I haven't see any evidence of Philip's parents' names. It's reasonable to guess he lived close to the south coast of Ireland.


    Sunday 25th September 2022 07:22PM

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