William  Millar1835

William Millar 1835

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William Millar married Mary Hillocks in St; Columba Church in Drumragh, Omagh, Tyrone in March 1853.  William was a Stone Mason and was born abt 1835 per marriage record.  Mary Hillocks was the eldest daughter of Thomas and Ann Hillocks. Thomas was a tailor.

Mary Hillocks and William Millar immigrated to Canada on the Argentius in 1856 accompanied by Mary's parents and her siblings   They landed Quebec but settled in Alliston, South Simcoe, Ontario. They are interred at Alliston Union cemetery.  William died 1902 and Mary died 1898.

They have a large family in Alliston and his eldest son William Thomas Miller became a potato farmer.  They later moved to Toronto, Ontario.

Thomas and Ann Hiillocks joined family in Peel County Ontario.  

These are my maternal 2x great grandparents.

Shirley Farrar


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1835 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1902

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