County Donegal

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CarrowCannon House was owned by William Griffith from c1888 until c1905. it appears to be a sizeable two storey farmhouse with outbuildings. It seems to have been located near a settlement called The Crossroads in Donegal. Unfortunately thats all the information I have. The photo I saw online some years ago showed it in a somewhat dilapidated state. I would be interested in knowing what has now happened to it. just out of curiosity. 


  • GOOD

    Thursday 27th June 2024 10:24PM
  • The two-story design with outbuildings indicates a functional yet substantial structure. Such farmhouses were often built to withstand harsh weather and to support a self-sustaining lifestyle.

    Tuesday 9th July 2024 08:14AM
  • While its current status remains unclear, exploring local archives, engaging with the community, and utilizing online resources could shed light on its fate tomb of the mask

    Tuesday 9th July 2024 08:42AM
  • Thank you for your comment. I have recently discovered that William was arrested for his stance in supporting those families that had been evicted from their homes in the 1880s. He was later made a JP and was known for his social conscience.  Carrow Cannon House was up for sale in the 2000s. I'm not certain who purchased it. But yes I do need to connect with the Falcarragh Community. 


    Wednesday 10th July 2024 07:56AM

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