1st January 1837
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A snapshot of pre-famine local history, as described in the "Topographical Dictionary of Ireland" by Samuel Lewis, 1837. (The information collected here was submitted by members of the local gentry and clergy of the time).

ADDERGOOLE; a parish, in the barony of TYRAWLEY, county of MAYO, and province of CONNAUGHT, 5 miles (S.by E.) from Crossmolina; containing 6725 inhabitants.

This parish is situated on Lough Conn, by which it is bounded on the north, and on the road from Crossmolina to Castlebar. 

It contains within its limits the greater portion of the stupendous mountain of Nephin, which rises to a height of 2640 feet above the level of the sea.

The land generally is under an improved system of tillage; there are large tracts of bog and mountain, which have been reclaimed to a great extent; and limestone abounds in the parish.

  • Castle Hill is the seat of Major Cormick;
  • Woodpark, beautlfully situated on Lough Conn, of J. Anderson, Esq.; and
  • Carrowkeel, of W. Bourke, Esq.

A fair is held at Laherdane on the 29th of June, and at Ballagheen on the 24th of June.

The parish is in the diocese of Killala; the rectory is partly appropriate to the precentorship, and partly to the vicars choral, of the cathedral of Christchurch, Dublin; the vicarage forms part of the union of Crossmolina. The tithes amount to £250, of which £13.10. is payable to the preccntor£111.10 the vicars choral, and £125 to the vicar.

The Roman Catholic parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church; the chapel is at Laherdane.

There are two public schools, in which are about 130 boys and 30 girls; and six hedge schools, in which are about 160 boys and 70 girls. There are some remains of an old abbey at Addergoole, and also at Bofinan; and near Castle Hill are vestiges of an ancient castle.


  • Thank you so much for this useful information.

    shell shockers


    Wednesday 3rd January 2024 04:52AM
  • The parish is located under the jurisdiction of the diocese of Killala. The rectory is divided between the precentorship and the vicars choral of the Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin. The vicarage is part of the Crossmolina union. The total sum of tithes is £250, with £13.10 going to the precentor, £111.10 to the vicars choral, and £125 to the vicar.



    Monday 19th August 2024 07:57AM

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