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Hello, I am a descendant of the Connors and Leech families from the small town of Cahermore in Ardrahan and also for a time in Crannagh, Kiltartan. My grandmother Catherine (Kate) Connors (born Dec1887 Ardrahan) was the daughter of Bridget (Leech) and Michael Connors. Bridget sadly died soon after from complications of childbirth in Jan 1888 and my grandmother was sent out as a child to live with the Coppinger family who in the 1901 census of Crannagh, Kiltartan (house 9) show my grandmother Kate Connors listed at age 13 as a servant to John Coppinger. My grandmother till the day she died at 91 felt the void of not having or knowing her mother and I would love to find her mother Bridget (leech) Connors grave and also her husband Michael Connors who may have lived in Kilmacduagh before moving to Cahermore. If anyone has any information about my grandmother or great grandmother or these families I would greatly appreciate the correspondence. I would especially love to locate Bridget and Michaels grave during a future trip. Best Regards, Judy


Wednesday 26th Oct 2011, 01:21PM

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  • Hi my name is Debbie but, at birth, my name was Michelle Marie Connors.  I was adopted at birth and met my birth Mom 16 years ago who informed me that my father was Michael Joseph Connors and his brother was William and a sister (only one living that I know of but, haven't made contact with) whose name is Diane.  Any information on Connors is something I would be interested in finding. My birth father was born in 1957 or 1958.

    Tuesday 15th Jan 2013, 06:21AM

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