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My GG grandparents William Condon and Bridget Mackey are from Ballylanders- married there in the Catholic Chapel in 1881.  (Fathers = William Condon and Edward Mackey, occupations listed as farmers- I'm sure both William and Bridget had siblings, but I havent' been able to find any info on them- maybe I still have family there :) ).  It's unclear if their sons William and Edward were born in Ireland or in Missouri (given dates are conflicting and no birth certs available, although they do list birth in USA on census records).  Would love to know more about this branch of my family and will be in Ireland soon (once travel restrictions permit).  I would love to have more of a connection with my Irish heritage, I was really excited to discover this website.  


Sunday 3rd Jan 2021, 04:23AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jen:

    I searched the subscription site Roots Ireland and there were two William Condon baptismal records in Ballylanders with the same parents: William Condon and Mary O'Donnell. The first record was May 27 1846 and the second record was April 28 1847. My guess is that the first William died young. There was also a sister Mary baptized in April 1849. The 1881 marriage record showed William as age 31 which would mean 1850 year of birth but likely he adjusted his age a few years. Did not find a marriage record for the parents.

    I was not able to locate a baptismal record for Bridget Mackey with father Edmond/Edward in Ballylanders or anywhere in Co. Limerick.

    I also did not find a baptismal record(s) or civil birth records for sons William and Edward.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 3rd Jan 2021, 01:54PM
  • Thanks so much for the additional info!  I wonder then if Edward Mackey and his family moved to Co. Limerick from another place in Ireland.  Is there any record of the address of either family in Ballylanders that you can see?  Really appreciate your help.



    Sunday 3rd Jan 2021, 06:43PM
  • Also can you advise the best place to look up passenger lists from Ireland to the US?  Bridget's arrival year is noted on the 1900 Census as 1881, but the 1910 Census lists as 1886.  Her husband William never shows on any US census- so must have died before 1900- not sure if in Ireland or the US.  (I've had an subscription before but couldn't locate it there)


    Sunday 3rd Jan 2021, 07:00PM
  • Jen:

    Records for ships leaving Ireland are rare. 

    The 1850 Griffiths Valuations head of household listing for Ballylanders civil parish  shows a William Condon in Cullane North. Could be your ancestor.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 4th Jan 2021, 03:58PM
  • Bridget Mackey was a neice of Fr Mackey,


    William Condon came back to Ballylanders leaving his family in America.

    William Condon died in Cullane 14 Apr 1906


    William had a brother Patrick and sisters Honora & Margaret -- none of them married.


    Cordangan Tipperary

    Wednesday 7th Jul 2021, 10:43PM
  • Oh my goodness this post answered so many questions.  I wondered why there was never any record of William Condon Sr. in the USA- I assumed he died early on.  Bridget is always listed as Head of Household.   When did he return?   Can I ask where you sourced that so I can collect records?  Do you happen to have the name of William's Parents?  Or an address in Cullane?  Really apprecite the help.

    Fr Mackey.... is there a full first name?

    THANK you again for pieces to my family puzzle.




    Saturday 28th Aug 2021, 08:00PM
  • Attached Files
    W.Condon.pdf (233.87 KB)

    OH.. I found this death record based on the info you gave me for April 1906.  This is definitely my Willima Condon?

    So he went crazy then?  "softening of the brain" died in an asylum?  No neices or nephews if his siblings never married?


    Saturday 28th Aug 2021, 08:20PM
  • Sorry, I meant the parents of William Sr. I was looking for names for - so the grandparents of the William we're discussing who's father is also William Condon (spouse Mary O'Donnel).  I do see a prison inmate record for County Limerick for William Condon (butI can't open it because it's a locked site).  Can you see that and a date?


    Saturday 28th Aug 2021, 09:01PM
  • Jen


    Sorry for slow response . I seem to have missed notification of your replies..

    The date of the prison register is 10 May 1876 - William was 25 and in prison for assaulting and wounding Michael O'Leary of Ballylanders . Also inprisoned was John Condon aged 24 and Thomas Condon aged 27.. All of Cullane.


    Softening of the brain can sometimes mean Dementia.



    Cordangan Tipperary

    Friday 24th Sep 2021, 03:37PM
  • Interesting, thank you so much for the details.  I've learned a lot from Ireland XO.  

    Are Baptismal records available for John Condon b. 1852 and Thomas Condon b. 1849 for this parish?  Guessing they're related to William, Wondering who their parents are- possible names to add to my tree.  


    Tuesday 28th Sep 2021, 03:38PM
  • Sadly for us researching in Ballylanders - The  register of baptisms for the parish of Ballylanders began on the 6 March 1849



    Cordangan Tipperary

    Saturday 9th Oct 2021, 07:32PM
  • Thank you so much for your help researching- especially the info on how William left his family in America and returned to Ireland.  That was a huge missing piece of info.  I've got a trip booked to Ireland later this month.  My Dublin ancestors (John/Felix Mcguire) are from an earlier time (1700s) so I will focus on my more recent Ballylanders/Cullane people.  I will spend 2 days in the area (thinking of staying at Deebert House, let me know if you reccomend anything else).  Do any of the buildings associated with my ancestors still stand?  The Cahtolic Chapel in Ballanders William and Bridgit were married at in 1881?  The Asylum in Cullane William died in, I understand it later bacame a hospital.  I could never find an exact adrress for Edward Mackay (just said he was a farmer from Ballylanders on the marriage cert) or Williams family.  Places where I can look up records that are not online?  Thanks again!




    Thursday 11th Nov 2021, 04:42PM
  • I was finally able to book a trip 'home' in early April.  I will be in Dublin from April 1 to April 6.  So excited.  I want to thank you guys for all your help, especially these bombshells below.  I had a few more questions about this info if you happened to know them.  

    • Bridget Mackey was a neice of Fr Mackey,-  does that stand for Fred Mackey?  What record was this sourced from?  Did she have cousins/siblings?
    • William Condon came back to Ballylanders leaving his family in America.  Is there a record of that somehwere or could you just tell by the fact that he showed up again in the Irish records?  This answered SO many questions
    • William had a brother Patrick and sisters Honora & Margaret -- none of them married-  Do you know the burial site?  Looking for some places to visit


    Saturday 12th Feb 2022, 11:54PM

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