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I just logged into this site for the first time, having opened up my digital subscription to the NY Times today which featured one of my "alert" articles about anything Irish.

Well, I nearly fell off my chair when I went to your website and  saw the name of my paternal grandfather's village, Eyrecourt,(Galway) and how a pop singer named something Perry is also descended from that village.  My aunt used to visit the farm in that village area till it was sold in the 1950's due to my great uncle being single and with no kids. Or, was it sold?  I think my aunt said it went to the "handyman".  ??  My grandfather was Thomas Mooney of Eyrecourt and here you have a little piece about a young singer who is also descended from that tiny village.  Thomas Mooney emigrated to Boston, not New York, as did all of my ancestors and they stayed there, too.  I do feel that the Boston Irish Americans have retained many of the cultural traits and features of their ancestors (humor, generosity, spirituality, intellectual passion and writing ability being some of them).

I have never been to Ireland and my first stop was going to be Galway. Grandmother is from near Tuam and on the other side it is Mayo (not sure) and Donegal.

Martha Mooney

Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 02:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Martha,

    you are very welcome to the Eyrecourt page. It is good to hear from you and I hope that I can be of some assistance in tracing your family history. There are two families of Mooney recorded in the 1901 and 1911 census for Eyrecourt parish. One was located in Chapel Lane within Eyrecourt village. The other is in Reaskmore a townland outside of the village. The latter family sounds like your family as you mentioned that they had a farm. Can you give me your fathers name and perhaps some other relevant details so that I can confirm this with the census records.

    Kindest regards,

    Christy C

    Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 06:05PM
  • Hi Martha,

    Griffiths Valuation for 1856 records that Patrick Mooney and John Mooney lived in the townland of Reaskmore. They have separate houses and seem to share the same plot as a Michael Mitchell. Have you any Mitchell ancestors?

    This townland while in the modern parish of Eyrecourt was originally part of the civil parish of Meelick. The civil parishes of Donanaghta, Meelick and part of Clonfert were amalgamated to form the parish of Eyrecourt. This is a common occurrence right across the country and can cause confusion for people trying to locate ancestors. Entries in Griffiths Valuation are based on the civil parish unit. The Mooney family are still present in Reaskmore at the time of the 1901 census and again at the time of the 1911 census.

    Of interest is that Anne Mooney (jnr) is no longer present in the house at the time of the 1911 census. Why is this?  

    Also of interest is that Tom Mooney is down as brother of the head of household. Does this mean that Anne Mooney (snr) was Mooney before she married or is it a mistake and that he should have been recorded as brother-in-law?



    Griffiths Valuation 1856

    Number & letters of reference to map / Occupiers / Immediate Lessors / Description of Tenement    

    3 (a, d)                  Patrick Mooney        Joseph H. Cowan         House, office, land & cottiers house & land                                                                                                                       

     3 (b)                      John Mooney          Joseph H. Cowan          House, office and land

    3 (c)                       Michael Mitchell        Joseph H. Cowan          House, office and land


    The 1901 and 1911 census records the members of the Mooney family living in Reaskmore as:

    1901 Census            Reaskmore              House no 2

    Mooney   Anne        50    Farmer                    RC      Read and write     Head of family     Widow

    Mooney   Bridget     18    Farmers daughter    RC      Read and write     Daughter            Not married

    Mooney   John         17`    Farmers son           RC     Read and write      Son                     Not married   

    Mooney   Anne        15      Farmers daughter   RC     Read and write     Daughter             Not married

    Mooney   Jane         10      Farmers  daughter  RC     Read and write      Daughter            Not married


    1911 Census            Reaskmore              House no 2

    Mooney   Anne        60     Farmer                    RC        Read and write     Head of family     Widow

    Mooney   Delia        30     Farmers daughter    RC        Read and write     Daughter             Single          

    Mooney   John         28     Farmers son            RC        Read and write     Daughter              Single

    Mooney   Janie        19     Farmers daughter    RC       Read and write      Daughter              Single

    Mooney   Tom         70      Farm servant           RC       Read and write     Brother                   Single

      Christy C


    Thursday 1st Dec 2011, 02:55PM

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