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Catherine & John Healy lived in Kilshalvy, Sligo, Ireland. They had 2 daughters & 5 sons (Rodger, Patrick,Michael,John & James). The girls remained in Ireland.

Roger is believed to have visited Australia and returned to Ireland and took over the lease at Coagh from his father.

 Patrick & Michael were sponsored to come to Australia by an uncle (also Patrick Healy) an ex-convict. They went to Tasmania in 1865 but soon appeared in Victoria. Patrick had a few occupations until he joined the Victoria  Police where he worked until his death in1891.

Michael selected land near the Grampian Mountains in Western Victoria (Australia) in 1875.

 John & James arrived in Australia in 1871. They selected plots of land not far from Michael near the Grampian Mountains in 1879. John & James both moved to the town of Hamilton about 30 miles to the south of the Grampians and about 20 miles from Michael who had moved to Penshurst in 1888

 Rodger 1845 - 1910

John      1854 – 1926

Michael 1847 – 1901

Patrick   1846 -  1891

James     1856 - 1939


Thursday 2nd Feb 2017, 11:01AM

Message Board Replies

  • Bob:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The baptismal records for Kilshalvey/Kilturra RC parish start in 1842 and I only located one baptismal record (Michael) on Roots Ireland where the parents were John and Catherine which is below. The address is shown as Cough which probably was Coagh. Not sure why I can't find other records since you have years of birth that are much later than 1842. You may want to peruse the register. The 1858 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing shows a John Healy in Coagh townland so they were still in the area.There are two Heally/Heally families in Coagh in the 1901 census but no sign of Rodger.

    Roger McDonnell

    Name:Michael HealyDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:13-Aug-1842Address:CoughParish/District:KILSHALVEY KILTURRAGender:MaleCountyCo. Sligo
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:John HealyMother:Catherine McGloinOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Dominick Healy Sponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Bridget McGlocklin 

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 2nd Feb 2017, 04:11PM
  • Roger McDonnell,

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    We have come across that Baptism of Michael Healy.

    A cousin of mine, Jack Healy did a lot of research & visited Ireland. He discovered the following

    Bunninaden Parish had no records before 1860.
    Sligo records, Mackavish House - none before 1865.

    Parish of Collooney.  Records only back to 1865.

    Parish of Gurteen.  Records only back to 1870.

    Apparently fire had destroyed some wooden Catholic churches & the records they contained. I am not sure if the above are Catholic Parishes or just the local church within a Parish such as Achonry.


    Bob Healy




    Monday 6th Feb 2017, 10:55AM

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