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Fortunately, somebody associated with the Mullin line had visited Ireland decades ago and had done some research that I have access to. Here is what I believe is my Irish genealogy to my great, great, great, great, great grandfather Michael Mullin, born in middle of 18th century. The copy of typewritten page (before computers) of Mullin information indicates that Michael Mullin was forced south to Woodford, County Galway by Oliver Cromwell. But forced south from where?And looking at map of Woodford, did grandpa stop going south simply because of Shannon River? Michael Mullin (1745-1820) married Mary Bonful (1747-1817). Their son Richard Mullin (1787-1847) married Celia McDermott (1789-1869). Their son Michael Mullin (1824-1908) married Margaret Mahon (1824-1906). Their son Patrick John Mullin (1856-1951) married Mary Jane Lodge (1866-1895). Except for Mary Lodge, everybody from Ireland, likely Rockhill, Woodford, Galway. Note that from Michael Mullin, oldest sons were alternately named Richard, then Michael again, then Richard again. Regarding Mary Lodge, I now understand that her parents, Charles Lodge and Ellen Doyle, were supposedly born in Ireland. And if this is the case, then my mother's geneology is possibly all Irish, although I never met any Irish-born grandparents. Also, Rockhill enters the picture, said to be north of Woodford. Is Rockhill another village? Records commented about dimensions of stone walls in Rockhill. 3 feet wide X 12 feet tall, for example. I don't know significance of that info. Finally, the Mahon name, associated with my great grandmother, actually turned up in a Google search of "Rockhill Woodford County Galway." Noticed modern houses in associated pictures. Quite a contrast to farmhouse in background of copy of b&w Mullin family picture. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday 18th Oct 2011, 09:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • I was very interested to read your posting called 'The Mullin Family'.

    My Great-Grandmother is Anne ('Annie') Mullin from Woodford. She was born c1864, married my Great-Grandfather Hugh ('Hokie') Cunningham 23 Nov 1889 and died 28 Jan 1937 in Traskernagh.

    Annie's parents are Patrick ('Patt') Mullin and Bridget Keeley. Siblings of Annie's, that I'm aware of, are Bridget, Catherine, Pat, Thomas and Margaret.

    Annie's father Patrick died before the 1901 census was taken. I've yet to discover who Patrick's parents were or any siblings of his!

    Kind regards, Glen (Cunningham).


    Tuesday 18th Oct 2011, 09:45AM
  • I've now joined this new site. The above comment was made, when the old website existed. Glen.

    Wednesday 19th Sep 2012, 11:35PM
  • Hi

    My name is Therese Cunningham.  I am the new administrator for the parish of Woodford.

    Using the Google search engine under the website "Griffith'Valuation",  I found a Michael Mullins lliving in the townsland of Knockauncarragh, Woodford in the civil parish of Ballynakill in Co. Galway. ( Griffith's was recorded in the 1850s to 1860s)

    The interesting thing is the fact that Knockauncarragh is the Irish for Rockhill.

    Rockhill is a townsland adjacent to the town of Woodford.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me again.

    If you should decide to visit Woodford and Rockhill,  I would be happy to meet and greet you if I can.

    By the way I don't think it has anything to do with stone walls except that there must have been plenty of rock there for it to merit the name!

    Kind regards



    Wednesday 6th Feb 2013, 03:39PM
  • Records commented about dimensions of stone walls in Rockhill. 3 feet wide X 12 feet tall, for example. I don't know significance of that info.

    Quite a contrast to farmhouse in background of copy of b&w Mullin family picture.

    My mother, a Clancy, a great granddaughter of Mary Jane Lodge I believe, has a Xerox copy of this material which she bought from a researcher, Mrs. Cougar(?), decades ago.

    Thursday 6th Aug 2015, 12:56AM
  • A correction.  Mother is the granddaughter of Mary Jane Lodge.

    Thursday 6th Aug 2015, 01:08AM

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