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Good afternoon from Chicago -

I am looking for the home parish of (William) Patrick Price who was born about 1844 in County Kerry.  He used the name Patrick for most of his life.  I realize that it is not much information, except that I csn tell you that his family emigrated to the USA after his birth (possibly 1850) with his family.  He lived in the Syracuse, NY area in the 1870s and married Deborah O'Connell.  Their children, in order of birth, were Catherine, Mary William Thomas, James and Patrick.  I assume this will mean that his father's name was William.  Can anyone tell me what area of Kerry this fmaily might have lived in County Kerry?

Thank you for your time and efforts.

Marsha Thomas

Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

Tuesday 12th Mar 2019, 06:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • Marsha:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I assume your ancestor's surname was Price and not Rice?

    I searched the free site  which has Co. Kerry church records and there were three possible records. There was an 1843 record in Killorglin parish (below), an 1841 record in Killorglin and an 1839 record in Killarney. The fathers names on the three records were: Patrick, Michael and Thomas.  We would need other information to try to confirm one of these three records.Are you aware of any siblings maybe mentioned on an obituary?

    Roger McDonnell

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - KILLORGLIN

    Baptism of PATRICK PRICE of SHANACLUONE on 15 January 1843


    Sponsor 1DANIEL CONORSponsor 1 AddressNRSponsor 2JULIA CONOR

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 12th Mar 2019, 09:12PM
  • Dear Roger - thanks for your reply.  Unfortunately, the name is Rice, not Price.  This is the second time I've made that mistake -- but I'm working on something else in County Tyrone and I'm getting the two confused.  I'm working on getting the marriage record for Rice and McConnell in New York state, but the obit doesn't say much, except County Kerry.  And the third child's name is WilliamThomas -- I realized that I forgot the comma.  But it makes sense that the third son is named after the father.

    My apologies again!  I appreciate your patience.


    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Wednesday 13th Mar 2019, 06:52PM
  • This may be the ship, but I truly have no idea.  But the age fits if he emigrated in 1850.  But impossible to know.  I'd really like to find this family (I'm sure you've heard that before), but it may not be possible.  

    Was the William Rathbone a famine ship?  The timing is correct.

    Thanks again,


    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Wednesday 13th Mar 2019, 07:02PM
  • Marsha:

    I did some Internet searches and found that the ship was sailing in 1851 which is a few years after the Famine but possibly there were sailing prior to 1851. You may want to do some searches.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 14th Mar 2019, 11:09PM
  • Thanks, Roger.  I'm going to keep looking to see if I can find anything else.  I am hoping for a marriage record in New York State in about 1872 -- might have some information.  But I don't know if I'll ever find them.



    Marsha, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Friday 15th Mar 2019, 07:13PM

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