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I'm having trouble finding information on my husband's great grandmother. I haven't found her baptism or death record. She was born Bridget Flood. 

She and Andrew Smith marry July 24,1870 in RC Chapel of Lavey in County Cavan. It was a second marriage for both and they resided at Carriga/Cargagh. She was a widow Smith so her first husband's name was Smith too.

If she was age 44 at marriage she'd be born about 1826. Her father's name had to be Patrick Flood (not Smith as written). 

Children found so far: 

  • Ellen Smith born 1872 (Civil record confirms her maiden name Flood)
  • Cornelius Smith born 1875 (Civil record)-My husband's grandfather
  • Mary Smith born after 1875 ?  (listed on 1901 Census.; Haven't found her Civil birth record or what happened to her)

Bridget Smith is a witness to her step daughter's Susan Smith's wedding in Feb. 1879 if this is her.

Her husband Andrew Smith is widowed and age 77 on the 1901 Census in Cargagh, Cavan. 

Can't locate:

Bridget Smith death Cargagh, Cavan 1879-1901

Bridget Flood's first marriage before 1870 to another Smith

Her baptism, father Patrick Flood, or townland she was from.





Saturday 15th Jun 2024, 04:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Birth of Peter Smith, son of John Smith and Bridget Smith Flood.  1866



    Saturday 15th Jun 2024, 05:18PM
  • Birth of Michael Smith, son of John Smith and Bridget (Biddy) Smith Flood 1864



    Saturday 15th Jun 2024, 07:28PM
  • Surprise,  Twins  Birth of Anne Smith twin of Michael above, daughter of John and Bridget (Biddy)



    Saturday 15th Jun 2024, 07:33PM
  • Could this be your Bridget Flood's first marriage?


    Date of Marriage:10-Feb-1848  

    Parish / District:KNOCKBRIDE

    County:Co. Cavan

    Husband                                   Wife

    Name:PeterSmith                  BridgetFlood

    Denomination:Roman Catholic   Roman Catholic

    Husband's Father          Wife's Father

    Name:Smith                    Flood




    Saturday 15th Jun 2024, 08:10PM
  • Patricia,

    John Smith was Andrew's brother and both were married to women named Bridget Flood. Andrew married in 1870 and had Ellen, Cornelius and Mary. I can't find death records for either Bridgets or John Smith. 

    Also, I saw the 1848 marriage but couldn't find any children either. 





    Sunday 16th Jun 2024, 12:53AM

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