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I am seeking information on my GG Grandfather and his family. His name was John Milliken and he was married to Jane Rennie. They had a son William (my Gr Grandfather) who married Annie Erwin (or Irvine). William was born Oct 17 1852 or 54, Annie May 28, 1853. They were married in Ahoghill Oct 27, 1876. They had a daughter Jane, born 1877 and a son William born 1879-who died at three weeks of age. They then emigrated to Scotland (Dumbarton) by 1882 where the rest of their children were born. Both William and Annie died in Scotland.

Annie's parents were Charles Erwin (or Irvine) and Eliza Graham.

I would like to know if there are any Millikens, Rennies, Erwins, Grahams left in this area who may be related and/or if there are any records of where any of the GG grandparents may be buried.

I have only recently started looking in to the Irish part of my ancestry so any information would be appreciated.

I will be visiting Ireland in September this year and plan on stopping in Ahoghill and surrounding area.

Alison Arneson

Monday 15th Jul 2013, 05:01PM

Message Board Replies


    If you have the 1876 marriage certificate, what townland (address) does it give for John Milliken? You need to know where the family lived to be able to trace the correct ones.

    There are several Milliken gravestones in different churchyards in Ahoghill. You can see them on this link, but you?ll probably need the townland to know which may refer to your family:


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 15th Jul 2013, 08:31PM
  • Hi Alison,
    It's quite a long time since you posted but I am directly descended from John Milliken too. He was my great great grandfather too. John was my great grandfather, and my grandfather was his son John! My mother was Annie Irwin Milliken, John's younger daughter.
    My daughter and I have begun researching and would love to share what we can with you. I'm not sure if there's a way to be in touch privately too? I'm so excited to have found you!


    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020, 10:48PM
  • Sorry, I meant William was my great grandfather and his son John was my grandfather


    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020, 10:49PM

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