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Robert Telford, a soldier from Fenagh, married Helen Walker at CullyBackey Presbyterian in Ballymena 31 October 1864. Robert's parents are listed as Edward Telford (Weaver) and Ann McLoury or McCloudy (hard to dechiper the writing). His father, Edward Telford, was a weaver. I have not been able to find anything past the information on the Marriage certificate. On Helen's side of it, I have no idea whom Helen`s mother was, as her father, Hugh Walker, is the only person listed for her on the marriage record. She is sometimes listed as "Ellen" depending on the documentation

Their daughter, Annie Telford, was born September 1893 in Glasgow Scotland. Annie married William Devine who is my Great-grandfather.

Any tips finding more information on Edward or HUgh would be greatly appreciated

Friday 28th Jun 2013, 06:04PM

Message Board Replies

  • The name Ellen in Ireland tends to be Helen in Scotland. The names are interchangeable, and when a woman moves from Ireland to Scotland the name often changes in the way you have encountered,

    Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church so there?s a fair chance that you might find Ellen?s baptism (and that of any siblings) in the Cullybackey Presbyterian church records. They are complete right back to the church?s foundation in 1727. Copies of baptisms & marriages from 1812 onwards are in PRONI, Belfast. The earlier records are with the Presbyterian Historical Society, also in Belfast. None of the records are on-line and so a personal visit is required to access them. (It might also have been the Telford family church too, but there?s no certainty about that).

    There?s a Hugh Walker listed in Griffiths Valuation for 1862 in Fenagh. He had a wee house on plot 4Bc. Typically a weaver or agricultural labourers house. That was around the modern Fenagh Rd, just north of Ballymena. (Ballymena library local studies section has the Griffiths maps which show exactly where the property was. It?s not likely to be there today though).

    Hugh is shown in the revaluation records as still being there until 1930, though he doesn?t appear in either the 1901 or 1911 census. Sometimes names were carried forward like that long after the person had died. (There?s 3 possible deaths registered in Ballymena that could fit Hugh, ie 1865 1884 & 1900).


    There?s this grave in Glenwherry but it may not be the same family:

    Walker            Glenwherry Presbyterian Churchyard                        Erected By Hugh Walker, In Loving Memory Of His Father John R. Walker, Died 28th April 1889, Aged 76 Years. Also His Mother Jenny Walker, Died 23rd December 1901, Aged 76 Years. Also The Above Named Hugh Walker, Who Died 6th January 1934, Aged 71 Years. Also His Sister Martha Walker, Who Died 26th April 1939, Aged 78 Years.


    You?ll see some Telford graves on that site too. There?s two in Cullybackey Reformed Presbyterian churchyard. Having said that in general weavers couldn?t afford gravestones so Edward?s family were probably buried in graves with no stone. The main Presbyterian church in Cullybackey never had a graveyard and so most Presbyterians were (and still are) buried in the RP (ie Covenanter) graveyard regardless of their faith. Unfortunately the graveyard burial records only go back to about 1939. There was also a dissenting Presbyterian Church in Cullybackey (ie equivalent to the Free Church of Scotland or the Wee Frees) and there are a few graves there too. Known locally as the ?Scots Kirk?, their records only start in the 1850s and so probably won?t help if the Telfords attended there.

    There?s only 1 Edward Telford death that seems to fit. Ballymena Jul ? Sept 1884, volume 1, page 58. Est year of birth 1814. He's probably your man.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 07:18PM
  • Oh my goodness! Go raibh mil maith agat! SO much information so quickly...My father's paternal lineage has proven to be far harder to tracve than his maternal. Even that has been no picnic

    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 09:10PM

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