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Looking for Allen Mitchell or his Wife Mary parents.  They were born in 1790 and 1803 in Keady respectfully.  Their children married members of the Cooper Family, Watchorn, Cowan, and Maxwell.  They emigrated to Canada in 1846.   Allen's wife last name could be Allen.

Tuesday 24th Sep 2013, 06:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. Unfortunately, you may not be able to find baptism records for Allen or Mary given their early dates of birth. The reality of finding documentation pertaining to births/baptisms/marriages/deaths in Ireland prior to 1800 ? particularly in rural areas ? is that they simply may not exist.Please also note that the Church of Ireland was the official church of the country and therefore the bulk of information that does survive for earlier periods is often from these registers.

    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    With regards to Catholic records, using the Irish Times website you can see that records for the parish do not begin until 1814:

    It may be an idea to contact Armagh Ancestry to see if they can be of any assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    Sorry not to be of more assistance.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 9th Oct 2013, 01:02PM
  • There are some Catholic records for Keady.  I've found some on  The going back before 1800 is difficult and finding marriages is iffy. I have baptism records for children, with partens listed, but no record of a marriage.  For Catholic records, it is what it is.  My tree is getting fat but not tall!!

    Sunday 13th Oct 2013, 05:01PM
  • There are some Catholic records for Keady.  I've found some on  The going back before 1800 is difficult and finding marriages is iffy. I have baptism records for children, with partens listed, but no record of a marriage.  For Catholic records, it is what it is.  My tree is getting fat but not tall!!

    Sunday 13th Oct 2013, 05:02PM
  • Do you have a Robert Mitchell born about 1823 in your family.  I came across a baptism of Robert, son of Allen and Mary in Derrynoose while working on a Campbell/Mitchell family from the area.



    Sunday 21st Dec 2014, 07:42PM

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