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I am trying to contact anyone by the surname Allen residing in Killevy or neighboring parishes. I am tracking an Allen ancestor that came to America in 1868 from the Killevy.

James Allen was born in 1840 and recorded in the Parish Register on October 31 1840 in Upper Killevy as the son of Paul Allen and Eleanor (Nellie) Campbell. His Missouri Death Certificate in 1913 lists his parents as Paul Allen and Eleanor Campbell of County Armagh.


My 75 year old father and I have undertaken this family history quest and would very much like to exchange information with ANY Allen families from this area inh the present day. My direct email is


Kindest regards,



Eric Allen

Missouri USA




Tuesday 6th Sep 2016, 04:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Eric

    The UK online phonebook might be of use to you - I believe you have to buy credits to use it.

    If you search the XO Message Board and find anyone you would like to correspond with, I can with your permission, forward your contact email to them.

    As a long shot you could have a look at the Valuation Books online at PRONI to see if there is anyone with the family name mentioned there.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 7th Sep 2016, 10:01AM
  • Thank you,



    I have used the BT phone and actually "cold mailed" many letters to current Allens in the area. Todate, few replies and of the ones that did reply we don;t seem to be of the same lineage.



    I have utilized the Valuation Guides for the 1860s and the Tithe books for the 1830s for County Armagh and specifically Killevy and have the Allen family I am tracing there. Once the line comes to America, the only hits I have are 1901 and 1911 Census hits for a John Allen and a Michael Allen (elderly brothers by then) who live in Killeen 106 bordering Killevy.





    Please share my contact if anyone ever inquires concering my post and I will review other posts by location and relevance in the coming days and be in touch if anything jumps out at me.









    Thursday 15th Sep 2016, 07:41PM

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