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I plan to visit Loughgilly towards the end of next week.  It is my hope to visit the cemetery, and meet the parish priest, if possible.  If there are any locals frequenting this message board, any pointers would be much appreciated. I would love to meet any locals, related or not. 

If anyone from further afield would like me to take photos of anything in particular, speak up and I will try to do so.

Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 04:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Lori, I am John McCune from the US.  My ancestors came from the townland of Drumilly in the Loughgilly parish of County Armagh.  The children were baptised in the RC Church in the Parish/District of Loughgilly.  I have the marriage record for James McKeone (McKeown) and Mary McCruish (McCreesh) dated date February 2, 1858.  I have received the baptismal records for thier children, Ellen (1860), Bridge (1863)t, John (1865), Edward (1867), and Peter (1869), all baptised in this parish and the children of James and Mary.

    However, I have never found the birth or baptism certificate for their son Patrick, who is my GG grandfather, and he lived with this family in Ohio when they came to America. According to Patrick's death certificate he was born in March, 1862, maybe 1861, which would put him between Ellen McKeown (1860) and Bridget McKeown (1863).  If you can find any records on Patrick McKeown's birth or baptism, that would be awesome.  It's possible his parents died and James and Mary were is uncle and aunt, but I am not sure.

    Good luck with your search and thanks for your assistance.

    My email is



    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 04:47PM
  • Hi John,

    I will copy down your information and keep my eyes peeled for any of your names.  I have emailed the parish priest and secretary for the diocese but as it is such short notice I don't know if I will be allowed to look at the parish records.  If nothing else, I should be able to walk through the burying grounds.  I will also take photos, well, probably everything!

    Thanks for the luck and of course you are welcome.  The weather has been dreadful but as my fellow traveler said, we can always bring umbrellas!

    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 05:55PM
  • Thanks. I have the parish records of their marriage and baptism. Also paid for research at one time but nothing went beyond what I have. If nothing else I hope to visit the general area some day.

    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 06:02PM
  • Hi John,

    With any luck maybe I will stumble across something while onsite.  I will mention your people as well if I am able to meet with any local folks.  That is one of the best things agout genealogy anyway, meeting people and sharing information.

    Apparently, Loughgilly currently only has about 70 people living in the area.  As my ggg grandparents brought all 15 of their children with them, I know I won't find any direct descendents of Pat and Alley, but maybe the trip will lead me to more extended family.  If nothing else, as you say, it is nice to visit the area. 

    I have attached 13 of the children who immigrated with their parents, as well as a picture of an earlier trip visiting the Creggan graveyard hunting Duffys nearly 15 years ago.  Hopefully, this time next week I will have more to add.

    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 06:58PM
  • Hi Lori, thanks for the pictures, those are awesome.  I am one of 7 boys myself, but no sisters  I bet the boys were afraid to court Bridget with all those brothers, haha.  Is that you in the pink rain coat at the graveyard in Creggan?  My GG Grandfather Patrick, whom I asked you to look for information on his birth, married a Rose Ann Duffy in Allegheny County, PA in 1891.  So, it appears we Irish are all related somehow the farther back you go.

    Wish you great luck with your search, and have a great time in Ireland.



    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 07:26PM

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