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I'm trying to find out when my 3 x great grandfather George Telford/Tedford was born/came from. I know he married on 27 Nov 1829 at St Paul's church, Tartaraghan to Abigail Benson. He was a Farmer/Weaver, and he died on 9 Mar 1884 in Derrykeevan, Armagh.

Can anyone help ?




Thursday 13th Aug 2015, 03:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Apologies for the very long delay in answering your message. Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 11:51AM
  • Hi Clare,

    No, I'm afraid I haven't found out anything about George Tedford apart from that he's buried in St. Paul's graveyard in Tartaraghan along with his wife Abigail. I can't seem to find out if he came from Derrykeeran/Derrykeevan area or outwith the parish.

    I was thinking of visiting PRONI (I live in Glasgow) to see if I could find any info there, but I'm not sure if I'd find any records regarding Tartaraghan.




    Thursday 19th May 2016, 01:17PM
  • Hi Daryl

    It might be a good idea to contact PRONI first as it will give you a better idea what they might be able to provide. Their family and local history records are listed here:

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 30th May 2016, 10:32AM

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