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I am trying to find information on the McEntee Family from County Cavan, Ireland.

My 4th great grandfather was Terence McEntee b. 1812 in Lisbree, Drung, County Cavan, Ireland.  He died in Ballyhally, Drung, County Cavan, Ireland.

His son was John McEntee b. 12 Apr 1850 in Cavan, Cavan, Ireland and he died 17 Nov 1931 in Dallas, Texas, USA.

John's daughter was Anna McEntee b. 18 May 1869 in County Cavan?, Ireland.  Her death certificate shows that she was born in Dublin.  I will attach a copy of the certificate.  Anna died on 26 July 1926 in Rowlett, Dallas County, TX, USA.

Anna's birthmother's maiden name was Murphy.  I cannot find any reference to her first name anywhere.  She was born in Ireland, but that is all that I know about her.

Anna's father, John, married an Elizabeth Fae (also born in Ireland) on 15 Jan 1893.  They had two sons in 1893 and 1895.

From the information I've been able to find, it looks like John McEntee was about 19 years old when Anna was born.  I don't know if her mother died at some point or if Anna was born out of wedlock or if her parents divorced.

Anna was married at 14 or 15 years of age to a Michael Herbert, who was 46 at the time.  I would love to find out the details on that.  That seems a little creepy.

Thank you for any information you can provide !

BridgettIreland Reaching Out -

Saturday 11th Feb 2012, 02:09AM

Message Board Replies

  • I am one of those McEntee's and have a lot of informarion on them

    My e-mail is

    Tuesday 14th Feb 2012, 05:43PM
  • Whoa!  We married *another* Murphy?  I have more clues, but not the answer.

    My 2nd great grandfather was the same Terence McEntee b. 1812 in Lisbree, Drung, County Cavan, Ireland.  My 1st great grandfather was James McEntee (brother to your John McEntee).  

    The clue starts with the 1880 census in Rawlins, Wyoming.  D.J. Murphy (Dennis) is married to Mary (nee McEntee).  James McEntee (my ggf) and Kate McEntee. are listed as boarders.  Kate later marries Dennis' brother Patrick Murphy.  Dennis, Patrick, Mary, and Kate all stayed there in Rawlins, Wyoming (maybe sheepherding).  Rawlins was where they were building the railroad, and my family went west with the railroad to Evanston and Salt Lake.  I suspect your John went south with the railroad?

    Go to this link, and search for McEntee/McIntee brides and grooms.

    You'll find Dennis Murphy/Mary McIntee (John's sister), Patrick Murphy/Kate McEntee (John's other sister), and James McEntee/Mary Cameron. (John's brother).  

    Odds are pretty high your Murphy (Anna's mother) is Dennis and Patrick's sister.  Well, unless some of these are cousins.  Your clues make it sound like the McEntee's and Murphy's were connected earlier, if your John McEntee married a Murphy before they emmigrated.  There might be records in Drung Parish, or if not, we do have oral history we might have spent some years in Ballybay earning the ticket. 

    Good luck!

    Saturday 25th Mar 2017, 11:11PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi Bridgett,

    You might want to take an autosomal DNA test (like on FTDNA).  If these Murphy's are really related, you will be doubly related to Catherine Schubach. She's descended from a Murphy/McEntee marriage in Wyoming. 

    Bob McEntee



    Friday 28th Jul 2017, 03:32PM

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