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I am looking for any information on my GGgrandmother Catherine Dwyer nee Buckley who may be the Catherine Dwyer listed at Sixmilebridge in 1855 at Ballylidden West. Kilfintinian, .Limerick.  RC family.

She would have been the widow of Thomas Dwyer.  Death date unknown.

The children of this marriage were Bridget and Michael, born approx. 1828 - 1834.( Both inn Australia by 1855.)

Catherine later married an Edward/Edmund Moloney and had 2 girls, Catherine and Bridget who came to Australia approx. 1950. The mother, Catherine Snr. migrated to Australia as a widow. Date unknown.

Are there any parish records which may confirm any of these details please?

Any hints appreciated.


Roisin D

Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 03:49AM

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