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Searching for a John Rynne(not sure of spelling of Rynne as there are different spellings) who was Irish/American who would have been born approx 1920-1930-there are many John Rynnes but this one had 2 sisters who were nurses in Manchester(UK or USA?)in 1951-if I found out the names of these sisters I could pinpoint the exact John Rynne-perhaps they moved back to Ireland or emigrated to USA? This John Rynne would have had to be in England/Wales in 1951-he is my father-I am 61 and long to know who he was before it is too late or where he came from so I can visit and perhaps meet some of his relatives-my mother died many years ago of breast cancer and that is all she told me.I carry this longing and sadness every day to find my father.My mother was called Winnie Williams and worked in a NAAFI I think in Caerwent south wales-she lived in forest of dean,Gloucestershire when I was born- thankyou for any help Pauline

Pauline York

Sunday 10th Nov 2013, 02:52AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! 

    Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 04:41PM
  • Since I posted this I have joined Ancestry DNA and my closest matches are with Rynnes who emigrated from Ennistimon to Lowell- I am still searching for correct family- 2 Rynne brothers John and Patrick married 2 Qualey sisters Sarah and Kate(Catherine) either pair could be my gg grandparents as both families would have inherited the same genes presumably. At the end of the day my father would have been in UK in 1951 or I wouldn't exist! So still searching-and have not had any replies.


    Pauline York

    Sunday 17th Sep 2017, 10:14PM

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