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Thomas CARRICK and Julia RYAN were married in county Clare on 10 February 1847 according to one of their children's Birth Certificates.

Thomas and Julia had a daughter, Catherine (aged under 1) with them when they arrived in Australia in March 1850 in Port Melbourne.

I am trying to find out which parish they may have come from - the only written clue in Australia is that they married in Drumleigh.  I can find no place of this name, so I presume that this is how the name sounded, rather than how it should be written.  I noticed that there is a townland called Drummaneen and wondered whether this may be the place.

All I am trying to do is to establish which town this event may have occurred in so that when planning a trip to Ireland in the next couple of years, I can visit and find out more information about this family.

Julia is listed as coming from Kings County, her parents being Thomas RYAN and her mother was Julia, formerly RYAN.

Friday 27th Dec 2013, 01:07AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi:


    I have some information for you to get started to try to narrow down where your Carrick & Ryan ancestors came from.  If you want to message me at, that would be great.

    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 27th Dec 2013, 03:19PM
  • thankyou, Jane for making contact with me - I am very interested in finding out how to find out which parishes may be relevant to my search.


    Lyn Ryan

    Thursday 2nd Jan 2014, 04:09AM

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