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The following obituary is regarding a cousin of mine, Margaret Moloney of Tonovoher, Clare, Ireland. I believe she is the daughter of Anne Browne n?e Meade and Michael Browne. Can anyone tell me if her family still lives in Tonovoher?

MOLONEY (nee Browne) (Tonovoher, Kilrush, Co. Clare) Nov. 29, 2008, at Ennis General Hospital, Margaret; deeply regretted by her sorrowing family, Francis, Dympna, Marion, Rose, Joseph, Monica and Paul, sisters Mary-Anne, Bridgie and Kathy, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends. R.I.P. Removal of Remains this (Monday) evening at 6.30 o'c. from Cusack's Funeral Chapel, Kilrush to St. Senan's Church, Knockerra. Funeral Mass tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11 o'c. Interment afterwards in Burrane Cemetery.


Friday 16th Jan 2015, 05:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 16th Jan 2015, 10:50AM
  • Beth:

    I would also suggest that you contact St. Senans parish secreatary

    or the Kilrush library

    to see if you can get in touch with any Brownes from Tonovoher.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 16th Jan 2015, 05:50PM
  • Hello Beth

    I have got some interesting news for you. I am actually Margaret's son so I can give you a bit of information about my own and the Meade family.

    Let me start by saying I accidentally stumbled upon this site the other day. I was looking for information on a related subject and what a surprise when I found your post. I just had to reply.

    To answer your question: The house in Tonovoher in which my mother lived until her death in 2008 is no longer occupied - as far as I know.

    Margaret kept in touch with her cousins John Meade and his sister Colette over the years.

    John and Kathy came to visit in 2000 and we were delighted to see them. Grace Andrews, her first cousin, paid a visit in 1968 I believe.

    I am delighted to be of help.


    The following info might be of interest:

    Andrew Meade of Kerry was a Burgess of Virginia, later a Judge, and a Colonel in the militia. He was the antecedent of General George Meade.

    The name Meade in Ireland is derived from the native Gaelic Midheach Sept that was located in County Cork in the South of the country. The name indicates that the original origin of the Sept was most likely in County Meath. It is in Cork that the majority of descendants can still be found.

    There was also I believe a Spanish (Iberian) branch of the Meades but I would have to do more research on that.

    Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrena was part of a delegation to recently pass through Shannon Airport, where he discussed his Mid-West links with airport CEO Neil Pakey. It turns out a Meade from Limerick emigrated to Mexico six generations ago and he is a direct descendant. "Minister Meade told us that he is related to the Meades from Limerick and would love to find out more about his Limerick relations".

    There are a number of Mexican Meades on the Facebook site. One particular Meade settled in Mexico after being sentenced to death in absentia for shelling Santiago, Chile. Some years ago a Meade from Mexico was on Gen Web looking for someone to translate the journal kept by his forbearer who had sailed from Limerick to Monterey Mexico. There were over eighty Meade households listed in Limerick in Griffiths Valutions.

    Lots of Meades buried in Knocklong (Athanacy).

    Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, 04:10PM
  • Hello cousin Paco. What a wonderful surprise to read your post this morning. I am thrilled to make your acquaintance. Grace Meade Andrews was my maternal grandmother and much loved by all of us. She had 4 children with John Andrews, Eileen, John, Florence and Patrick. Eileen and Florence are alive today at 85 and 80 respectively. My Mom is Florence. Grace's parents were Patrick Joseph Meade and Catherine McNamara, both of County Clare.

    Your post about relatives from the Iberian Peninsula were a joy to me. I just had my DNA tested which showed I have between 3 and 7% Iberian blood in me and now I know where it came from. The MEADES! My dad's family was from County Cork at some point. His name is Richard Joseph Walsh, as was his Dad and the two fathers before that. my grandfather, Richard Walsh was born in Chicago in 1888. His Dad, Richard Walsh was born in Liverpool, England on May 1, 1860 by his Dad, also Richard Walsh is was from County Cork.

    Would your grandparents be Anne and Michael Browne, then? I know nothing except names about Anne, Bridget, Martin and James except hat James buried his parents John And Marie Meade and erected their headstone. You mentioned an Andrew Meade? Which line does he fit into?

    You mentioned searching on a related subject. Are you the family historian? I have some nice pictures taken in the 1920's of Patrick and Catherine Meade in Chicago and will email them to you if you like. I have a fair amount of information on a family tree on I'd like to share with you. It's under the Beth Anne Walsh family tree.

    Many of the Meade men worked as police officers in Chicago including your cousins John and James Meade ( Coletta's brothers), their Dad, John Meade and his brother, Patrick Joseph Meade.

    Grace Meade was as Irish as can be and loved the stories of the old country. My Mom, Florence Andrews Walsh still tells stories of Patrick and John Meade's legendary story telling and their wonderful Irish brogue. Grace is sorely missed to this day. She was an outstanding cook and always a kind, generous soul. She loved singing, piano and baking as well as visiting relatives and anything Irish.

    Recently I was introduced to our Pomona, California library which has outstanding genealogy resources. I can't wait to get started there.

    If you like, I can add you on as a guest member on my family tree on You have hundreds of cousins on this side of the pond. Their surnames include Meade, Andrews, Filicicchia , Walsh, Cepican, Litton, Ackerman. My younger sister, Abra Walsh (Philippe Baup) lives in Versailles. Another sister, Sarah Walsh (Pierre Klatt) lives outside Zurich, SW

    Looking at our Meade family, I am back as far as John Meade and Marie Meere. Can you fill me in on their parents and siblings?

    If you wish to correspond my email is if you send me you'd I'll happily share what I know. Do you need any help finding people here in the US? I can certainly help.

    Beth Walsh
    Claremont, Ca, originally from Chicago, Il

    Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, 06:05PM
  • Greetings cousin Beth

    This is just a quick reply to your post. So let's get the ball rolling!

    My grandparents are indeed Michael Browne and Anne Meade. That means Florence, your mother, is my second cousin. Andrew Meade is the ancestor of General Meade and I thought it would be worth mentioning him because when John Meade visited in 2000 he mentioned something about there being a connection there maybe. It's not clear to me what he said but it just stuck in my mind ever since. So I just got that information off the internet and had it on file.

    Oh about that related subject (laughs) it was nothing too profound! I was just waiting to get on Skype to somebody and I had some time to spare and I went to check up the latest info on the locality. That was it.

    As for the family historian, I think we're all historians (laughs), but yes I think I would have the most interest in the subject. I think it's truly amazing what you can discover when you go digging and of course the internet is a fantastic resource.

    I would be delighted to see the photos and I will be contacting you again soon by email since I now have your email address.

    What I know about Maria Meere is that her mother was Walsh (surprise!) but I don't know anything more about her. John Meade was probably the name of her husband but in any case he came from a place called Lack somewhere around Kilmihil. His ancestors would have been buried in the cemetery there. His mother's name was Coughlan.

    I heard recently that there was some marriage connection, I think, between the Meeres and the Vandeleurs. The Vandeleurs were Dutch and came in to Clare around the late 1600s. More recently again I heard that they were originally Catholics.

    I have a book called A Genealogical History of the Milesian Families of Ireland and it is most interesting. It goes through virtually every surname and the founder of the family in question. There is one entry for Meare (this is how it is spelt in the book) and the year of immigration to Ireland is 1625 from Sweden. I'm not sure if it is the same family as Meere but what makes me think it might be is that this surname (Meere) is very rare in Clare and virtually non-existant in the rest of the country. That would be consistent with a fairly recent immigration.

    Will be in touch again


    Wednesday 4th Feb 2015, 08:41PM
  • Hi again, Paco. How did you come by this name? I like it. Your comments on the Meere's may have answered another question that came up on my DNA . It shows I am 2% Scandanavian. Possibly that's a Meere connection.

    I have found your grandparents marriage record, I believe. Was it 1921 in Kilmihil or Killarysert?

    all the Meade's, Andrews, and Walshes are Roman Catholic as far as I know. On this side of the pond. Many of the current generation are not as involved with the church as previous generations. Do you know much about the Meade, Meere, Browne, Moloney religious preferences?

    I've lived in Southern California since 1985. Most of the Meade's have stayed in the Midwest state of Illinois. This past summer I got to meet the widow of Terrance Meade, son of Ray Meade who was Grace' brother. She's a looker at 70 and very nice. Also got to meet Vince Meade who is Grace's nephew.

    Did you meet my sister Hannah when she came out in the 90's? She's a "city" gala and loved Dublin. She visited some relatives in County Clare, possibly your Mom and thought it was very peaceful and quiet.


    I'm going to take my young dog for a romp. More later.


    Wednesday 4th Feb 2015, 10:52PM
  • beth and paco 

    there is a post up on irelandxo for the meades of merchants quay dublin merchants with denis thomas obrien circa 1800s   

    this will lead you to a mexican line of the mexican minister at limerick airport 2000s --whose ancestor is denis or richard meade ---and this denis is godson of denis thomas obrien merchant in dublin circa 1899s  

    the ibernian line links in with a mary castelyn i think 

    but if you know of any link to the mexican line    let me know by return  as there are 57 boxes in an archive to be digitalised  and if you know of anyone intested in sponsoring or financing this project let me know by return  

    liam hua duinn

    Wednesday 2nd Sep 2015, 02:20PM

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