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I am trying to find out more about my ancestors from the Kilrush area.  I am grateful to have been given the following information by Paddy Waldron of the KDHS;

My Gt Gt Gt Gt Grandfather was a Thomas Chambers (no further detail).  His son, also, Thomas Chambers (circa 1802 - 1865), married Mary Colpoise (Colpoys..?). They had 5 children, including Charles (my gt gt grandafther. b. 1837, Dublin, d. 1921, Kent, England).  He worked for the Provincial Bank, initialy in Kilrush, then other areas, settling in Dublin, then moving to London - he became a director of the bank and left a good sum in his will.  He married Mary Anne Grant (duaghter of Rev Alexander Grant, Killmurry House, Fermoy, Cork). Charles Chambers and his decendants are all Catholic.

I would be very interested to know more about these ancestors - and about any Chambers decendants still in the area; any details would be most gratefuly received,

Regards, Nick Chambers



Friday 5th Apr 2013, 07:18PM

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