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Hi to  members of the  "Kilrush- Reaching Out' Parish

I have located my ancestors Denis McMahon and Bridget Cahill-McMahon, who left Ireland in 1840 for "Australia" They were I believe born in the areas of Rahona East and West and Tarmon West near to Carrigaholt. I found relvant information information of their parents and their place of origin in an 1856 advertisement in the Mailtand Mercury paper of NSW Australia.

best wishes to all who are searching, 

Jane nee McMahon 


Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 02:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • That's great news Jane - now you know where to visit!
    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Friday 29th Aug 2014, 10:05AM

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