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I am looking for information on the McGraths from Ballytarsna. I have already used Griffiths Valuation , Tithes Aplotment and ejection records, The Griffiths Valuation indicate that at that stage Anthony McGrath was living at lot 7d (house only) at that time.

Anthony McGrath and hiswife, Elen McNamara, had at least five children between 1820 and 1838 (Susan, John, Patrick, Jane and Bridget) All of these children migrated to Australia in the 1850s. where Susan married William Doorty (son of John and Bridget Doorty from Toreen, Kilshanny) and Jane married John McNamara (son of William McNamara and Bridget Mulqueeny from Kilshanny).

I am interested in any information on any of these related families or on general information on Kilshanny on the pre-1850 period.

Tony O'Grady




Tony OGrady

Friday 7th Mar 2014, 09:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Deat Tony

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    As you probably know, Kilshanny is a Civil Parish in north-west Co. Clare:

    Clare Local Studies Centre has a very useful website with a number of very helpful links specifically related to Kilshanny:

    Have you tried checking the sites suggested below for information about your McGrath Ancestors? (a subscription site)

    Please let us know if you find any further information

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Sunday 30th Mar 2014, 12:12PM
  • Cantwells memorials of the Dead; Clare


    Kilshanny Old cemetery

    Anthony Mc Grath; 21/10/1865 (80) b.1785


    Jack Mc Donald

    Friday 21st Nov 2014, 08:58PM
  • Dear Tony,

    I have been working with a secod cousin of mine on this very isue. You have provided this information:

     All of these children migrated to Australia in the 1850s. where Susan married William Doorty (son of John and Bridget Doorty from Toreen, Kilshanny) and Jane married John McNamara (son of William McNamara and Bridget Mulqueeny from Kilshanny).  


    I am hoping that John and Bridget Doorty are my forebears, and that the sorce of your information may provide missign data. As far as we can tell, this information is not publicly available, and it would be invaluable to us if we could follow it up with you.

    If it helps, this is what I have on Ancestry…

    Looking forward to a repososne,

    Best wishes

    Damien Coghlan



    Damien Coghlan

    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 10:03PM
  • Dear Damien,

    Yes, we are certainly working on the same family. I am rather rusty on it at the moment but here goes.

    Susan McGrath married William Doorty/Doherty in Axedale and they were previously neighbours in Kilshanny. The probate papers (1880) for William's brother, James, state that his mother, Bridget, and his brothers Patrick and Daniel were still alive. His marriage certificate. William's marriage certificate gave his mother's maiden name as Murphy. William's sister, Bridget, married Nicholas Maloney in Adelaide where she gave her father's name as John.

    The family came from Tooreen, Kilshanny. The Tithe Applotment Books and Griffiths Valuation show that John Doorty rented lot 1a, 48 acres (house and land) valued at 11 pound 15 shillings an that Patrick rented lot 2a, 20 acres (house and land) valued at 8 pound 6 shillings and another 10 acres jointly with a neighbour.

    I have more material on Susan McGrath and her siblings and their descendants if that is of any interest to you.

    Good luck with your research,


    Tony OGrady

    Thursday 4th Feb 2021, 11:27PM

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