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Looking for assistance with my Great Grandfather Patrick Donnellan born C.1839. His parents were Peter Donnellan & Mary Howe. Patrick left Lisdoonvarna for NZ in the 1860's possibly with a brother. I have almost all his post NZ arrival information but would like assistance with any references to him, his parents and possible siblings in Lisdoonvarna and or surrounding areas. I note Patricks death notice from NZ newspapers is recorded in the Clare Library online service acknowledging he was a native of Lisdoonvarna as it states on his headstone in the Greymouth Cemetery, West Coast, New Zealand.

Any Information or comments welcomed

Cheers - Sean


Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 12:45PM

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  • Sean:

    I looked at the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kilshanny parish and also Kilmoon where Lisdoonvarne is located. There were no Donnellasn listed in Kilshanny but there was a Timothy Donnellan in Kilmoon parish in Kilmoon East townland. Not sure how or if Timothy is connected to Patrick. I'm also wondering if Peter was deceased? It looks like the RC parish records for the area around Kilmoon don't start until 1854 . Not sure when the records for the Kilshanny/Lisdoonvarna church start. 

    Later this summer the National Library plans to put all RC parish registers online for free searching.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 05:05PM

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