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John and Bridget christened Michael (Aug 1836) and Mary (about 1846) in Killadysert but the other two boys were not there.

Bridget may have had a cousin or brother in Killadysert, there were two Keane men having their children christened.

John and Bridget moved 1851 to Canada: Wolfe Island. In the late 1880s they moved to Rochester New York USA.


Does this sound familiar to any one??

Patricia TROY Demers

Thursday 17th Mar 2016, 09:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Pat

    I have passed this to our Moyarta Volunteer

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 18th Mar 2016, 11:45AM
  • Killadysert is about 30 miles east of Moyarta and has its own page at

    There is a modern transcript of the Killadysert baptismal register at

    Can you please tell us more about the sources of your information? and have recently published indexes to these microfilms.

    I did find Mary Troy's baptism on 7 Mar 1846 at
    using the index.

    The civil parishes of Killadysert and Kilfiddane were united as a single Catholic parish until 1868.

    The address given for Mary Troy in the record of her baptism is Carrowreagh, which is in Kilfiddane civil parish.  The village of Cranny stands on the townlands of Carrowreagh East and Carrowreagh West.

    The same surname can be anglicised as either Troy or Trane or even Trean, so you should check all these variants in indexes.

    In Griffith's Valuation (18 Jul 1855), there was no Troy left in Carrowreagh East or West, but there were several Kane and variants.

    Peadar Clancy, sentenced to death for his part in the 1916 Easter Rising but reprieved, was from Carrowreagh East and his mother was a Mary Keane.  She said she was married 49 years in the 1911 census.  You might be able to find her marriage to James Clancy in the Killadysert marriage register and see if she was originally from Carrowreagh.

    You might find the Troy family in eviction or ejectment records such as those indexed at…
    or transcribed at…

    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 18th Mar 2016, 01:27PM
  • I may have been mistaken: I am in Philadelphia Pennsylvania visiting my daughter while she has had some dental work.... My Troy notes are home nearer to Boston, Massachusetts.  Michael Troy was christened in August, and I thinkI caught myself two weeks ago when I found him.... It was probably NOT 1838, but rather 1836.  I am going to look him up again.   As it read for Mary, his sister, John (JNO) Troy and Bridget (BRI) Keane were the  parents.    This is pretty exciting what you have shared with me. I wish my Dad were still alive to share it with!   Thanks so much; I have more to research now, 

    Pat Troy Demers

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 02:40AM
  • I read through the Index mentioned above, and it is too bad that the Index on page 6 ends with an "S" for a James Stevens. There are no T, U V W X Y or Z.   The index pages maybe were lost.

    Pat Troy Demers

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 02:45AM
  • Michael Troy's christening date is August 18, 1836 in Killadysert.  I can't read the townland though.  Perhaps it is the same as Mary's? 

    Pat Troy Demers

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 02:48AM
  • Hi Pat

    Which of the several indexes that I mentioned ends at the letter S?

    The address given in the transcription of Michl. Troy's christening record at
    is Cranny Bridge.

    You can see Croony [sic] Bridge on the boundary between Carrowreagh West and Carrowreagh East townlands at,516730,660641,11,9
    The spelling Croony has long since fallen into disuse.

    You can read more about Cranny at

    I was able to edit your original post and correct the wrong christening year for Michael.  However, I cannot see any way of editing the replies to the original post.  Clare Doyle may be able to tell us how to do that.

    Best wishes



    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 21st Mar 2016, 12:02AM
  • If you log-in and go to My Message Board Replies you can pick which reply you wish to edit - we have a user guide here:


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 21st Mar 2016, 09:47AM
  • Thanks, Clare.


    I was a little bemused to find myself on a page where I could edit someone else's post but not my own reply to it!

    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2016, 12:39AM

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