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My son-in-law's grandmother was Violet Margaret Harte, , born 1908 in Scarriff,  Co Clare to Patrick Harte and Kate Young who possibly married in Scarriff in 1902. It is possible that Patrick Harte was a militia man and his father's name may have been Timothy.

In 1901 Patrick may have resided at House 113, Scarriff Town, Co Clare but I am pretty sure that, by 1911, he was living at House 94.1, Scarriff Town, Co Clare with Kate and their family. I have no death record for Patrick but Kate may or may not) have died in 1965 and was buried in the Moynoe Cemetery.  However this is all I know about Violet's parents.

I live in Australia anwhich is where Violet emigrated to in  1828.  She was accompanied by a William Harte aged 23 and both were single so I presume that this would be her brother Patrick William.

Any assistance on the background of this family would be appreciated.


Gloria Sheehan

Tuesday 12th Nov 2013, 01:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Gloria:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I will check with a local person in Scariff for you and get back to you in a week or two.  I hope that this is okay.

    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 12th Nov 2013, 07:45PM
  • Dear Gloria:


    Just as a matter of interest, I have looked at the Moynoe inscriptions on the Clare Library website.

    This is what I have found:

    170 Harte Patrick       In loving memory of Patrick & Kate Harte and of their daughters Kathleen & Nellie. Michael Harte died 1st Dec. 2001. R.I.P. Erected by their family.   Photo
    170 Harte Kate       In loving memory of Patrick & Kate Harte and of their daughters Kathleen & Nellie. Michael Harte died 1st Dec. 2001. R.I.P. Erected by their family.   Photo
    170 Harte Kathleen       In loving memory of Patrick & Kate Harte and of their daughters Kathleen & Nellie. Michael Harte died 1st Dec. 2001. R.I.P. Erected by their family.   Photo
    170 Harte Nellie       In loving memory of Patrick & Kate Harte and of their daughters Kathleen & Nellie. Michael Harte died 1st Dec. 2001. R.I.P. Erected by their family.   Photo
    170 Harte Michael   December 1, 2001   In loving memory of Patrick & Kate Harte and of their daughters Kathleen & Nellie. Michael Harte died 1st Dec. 2001. R.I.P. Erected by their family.   Photo

    You might want to look at this site yourself.  As you can see, you can look at a photo.  The website is  If you look at the right hand side of the page under Donated Materials, and click on graveyard inscriptions, it will give you a list.  The name that you are looking for is Moynoe (Civil Parish).  There are 925 inscriptions that have been donated, and the above is some of them.


    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 12th Nov 2013, 07:58PM
  • Dear Jane

    Thank you for your reply and I certainly don't mind waiting for anything that ight help unravel this family background.  Trying to research from Australia is challenging and best so even the smallest thing helps.

    I will also look up that web site you have given me as it seems as though it may ad something more.



    Tuesday 12th Nov 2013, 11:49PM
  • Hi Glora

    I'm not sure if your still on this. 

    I'm just starting family tree. 

    My great great grandparents were Patrick harte from scariff  born 1873 and Katie young.

    His dad was called thady (thadues)  born 1831

    Give me a shout and we can chat more




    Friday 2nd Sep 2022, 11:39AM
  • Good afternoon Ladies

    My name is Peter Conroy and I'm in the middle of doing my own family tree, and my wife's too, it turns out in the course of my investigations that my wife's Great Grandparents were Patrick Harte and Kate Young.

    I'm just wondering if either of you have any information on either of their Parents?


    I've added Thadues to the tree but can't find any other information on his wife or and possible relatives





    Thursday 3rd Aug 2023, 10:55AM
  • Hi Pete:  

    Thanks for your email.  I would recommend that you check out the Clare Library website for further information about Scariff parish whose civil parish name is Moynoe.    The link for the website is here:   I can also ask a few local people about the family to see if there is someone there who you might be able to connect with.  

    You can reach me through theTulla XO email address at:, if you have any further questions.  


    The best of luck,  


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 11th Aug 2023, 09:49PM

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