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Hello to all of you. I would appreciate any information indidviudals might have about the family of Daniel McInerney who  came to the U.S. in September 9, 1905, aboard the SS. Cedric from Queenstownand settled in Brooklyn, New York. I cannot be certain if Daniel arrived with his brother, Patrick, on the same vessel. Patrick lived until 1933; Daniel died in 1952.

Unfortunately, I do not have information of the family Daniel and Patrick left behind in Tulla. U.S. family members told be that the brothers did not have many prospects in County Clare and decided to make the move to the States. On the SS Cedric's registry, Daniel was listed as a "grocer's assistant." He went on with his brother to be a retsurant owner and, according to a 1972 newspaper interview with Rep. John Rooney of Brooklyn, they were known as operators of a quiet, "respectable" speakeasy during the U.S. experiment with Prohibition.

Daniel married Helen Dempsey (who was born in Brooklyn) and raised five children: Daniel, James, John (all of whom became priests in the Franciscan order serving on missions), Frank, and Mary. Their children have all passed away. Frank was my father. His sister married George Crandles (also deceased).

I am a professor of history at Utah State University in Logan, Utah, USA. I would be delighted to hear from any family members.


Dan McInerney

Wednesday 27th Jan 2016, 10:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • From the age on the ships manifest Daniel looks to have been born c 1883. There is a birth in Tulla for Daniel M’Inerney Apr – Jun 1883 Vol 4, page 519. That could be your Daniel. However I would be inclined to get his parents names from either his marriage or death certificate to verify it. There are several Daniel McInerneys in Clare in the 1901 census and you clearly want the correct one.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 27th Jan 2016, 10:49PM
  • Dan:

    I will alert our parish liaison in Tulla that you posted a message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 27th Jan 2016, 11:32PM
  • Dan,

    I enclose a link to the Clare Library website that lists emigrants from Tulla. Patrick (1908) is on the list but not in correct alphabetical order - see his entry after McCarthy. It list his father as Michael and going to brother Daniel in Brooklyn.

    Daniel (1905) is in correct alpha order and going to cousin Patrick Mannix.

    At least it answers your query as to whether they travelled together.…

    Looking further at the list I see an entry for a Joseph going to brother Daniel in 1913 - this is two lines below Patrick.

    Is there any chance this would be the family in the 1901 and 1911 census -…;…

    It would all seem to tie in but I'm no expert so you need to second guess all my assumptions.




    Jim Vaughan, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 11:17AM
  • Attached Files
    grandpa dan.JPG (360.73 KB)

    Dear Friends,

    I am deeply grateful for the assistance you have offered.

    -Elwyn, you are correct. My Grandfather daniel was born on 5 March 1883. (Our record for this date is a registration card that Grandfather filled out for the U.S. Selective Service agency during World War II.)

    -Roger, thank you so much for your assistance.

    -Jim, I am having difficulty logging into the census addresses you provided, but I will keep trying to view the website. The Mannix family is, indeed, a group of relatives our family would often visit from the 1930s through the 1990s.


    It is wonderful to have this information available. I have attached to this notice an image taken from a New York Post column by journalist Pete Hamill, writng about Democratic Party politics in Brooklyn, New York, during the first half of the 20th century. The "Rooney" mentioned in the snippet is Rep. James Rooney who served a district in Brooklym in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    With gratitude,


    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 02:28PM
  • Attached Files

    Jim, I was able to get into the 1901 census records. The McInerney household that contained sons Patrick and Joseph did not list my Grandfather Dan among the residents. In 1901, he would have been 18 years old. But perhaps by that time he would have already left the household (and maybe the town) in order to pursue employment somewhere else.


    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 02:47PM
  • Dan,

    I think I have found Daniel in the 1901 census working in Dublin as a grocers assistant.

    Send me an email to and I will send the link to you as well as a link to the 1911 census.

    Jim Vaughan, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 03:36PM
  • Hi Daniel:


    Many thanks for your message to the Message Board here on Ireland Reaching Out.


    Yes, we will be more than happy to assist you with regard to tracing your Daniel McInerney and his family and many thanks for the wonderful image that you posted previously. 

    The McInerney family that it appears you are related to were shopkeepers in Tulla and I will be speaking with someone tomorrow evening and will have more information for you at that time. 

    In the meantime, I have spoken to another local person who has given me information as to where the shop was and I will try to post you a photo over the weekend.

    If you have further information, you can email me at

    Thanks for your interest and the photo!

    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 04:53PM
  • Attached Files
    IMG_2319.JPG (1.29 MB)
    IMG_2320c.JPG (1.11 MB)
    IMG_2320da.JPG (1.15 MB)

    Dear Jane,

    Thank you for your generous offer to speak with residents of the area about the location of Michael McInerney's shop in Tulla.

    Decades ago, relatives visited Tulla and sent back to me the attached photo. They wrote on the snapshot that the "pink house" was the residence of my Grandfather Daniel. I don't know if the information is correct.

    I also include a pictures of my grandfather from (I believe) the 1920s and from 1951 (with his wife, Helen Dempsey, born in Brooklyn, NY, the daughter of Martin Dempsey.)


    Friday 29th Jan 2016, 12:46PM
  • Hi Dan,

    I think we might be related if your Dan was the son of Michael McInerney from Tulla, Michael and my great grandfather John were brothers I think and their father was Dan from Drumcharley.

    I am in contact with another McInerney research and between us we have collected a fair amount of information going back to our great great great grandfather James.




    Friday 28th Oct 2016, 11:09PM
  • Hi Professor Dan,

    Further to Sue's post, Dan was baptised 25 March 1886 from LDS reel 97693 which I read in about 2003.  It did not provide parents or sponsors.  Thaat would make him 21 when he arrived in the USA

    however, A relative of yours lives in Connecticut and he provided me with some data in 2003 as follows:

    Michael McInerney, storekeeper in Tulla, married Mary Donohue. (I have a photo of their grave).

    Their son was Daniel who married Helen (Nell) Demsey in 1918 in St John's Church Brooklyn. He died 8/20/1951 and she died 11/12/1973

    their second child was Frank who married Susan Santamaria. Frank died 6/5/1986 and Susan died about 1988

    I have it that you are their first child of four, born about 1950.  Did you marry Eileen?

    Best wishes,

    Kevin McInerney



    Sunday 30th Oct 2016, 12:45PM

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