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I am looking for burial records/images of two (2) boys who I believe may be buried at Ballintemple. 

I have recently found a record of 2 deaths in Parrish of Kilnagross in 1865. I would like to know how I find out where these people are buried. Below is a copy of what i found.


1865 10-1-1864 101631 V5-65 CLEARY #191 Bartholomew 10 yrs scarletina 3 wks;
no medical attention Timoleague Clonakilty Jeremiah CLEARY occupier
Carbogarriff Parish of Kilmgross

1865 10-2-1864 101631 V5-65 CLEARY #192 John 8 yrs labourer's son scarletina
3 wks; no medical attention Timoleague Clonakilty Jeremiah CLEARY occupier
Carbogarriff Parish of Kilmgross 

I believe the "Carbogarfiff" is supposed to be Carhoogarriff. This is the place I have listed as th eresidence for my Cleary ancestors. I would appreciate any help. 


Another contributor on the Kinagross parish message board suggested to me that I should try the Ballintemple and Darrara graveyards as Kilnagross was meant as the cibil parish not the DED. Can anyone help me?
Jane Cleary


Monday 29th Jun 2015, 04:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Apologies for the very long delay in answering your message. Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 10:55AM

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