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My 2nd great-grandmother was named Alice Hoban. Her father was William Hoban and her mother was named Catherine (unknown surname). I reeally do not know anything about where Alice originated from, nor do I have any information on her parents or siblings (if there were any).


However, recently, someone was nice enough to look about and said they found the following information:

Church Baptism Record
Name: Ally Hoban Date of Birth: 
Date of Baptism: 01-Apr-1832
Address: Desart Parish/District: DANESFORT
Gender: Female County Co. Kilkenny
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: William Hoban Mother: Catherine Cummins
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Michael Cummins Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Laracy

I really do not know if this information is that of my 2nd great-grandmother, but it is the closest match I have come across.  Now Alice came to the United States at some point. She married a Lawerence Doheney (also originating from Ireland) in Charleston, Massetchusetts, on 31 August 1865. They remained in Massetchusetts and raised a family. I specifically would like to find information on Alice's parents and find out if she had any siblings that may have come to the U.S.. Can anyone help me understand the next steps I would take to verifying the above information?

Monday 31st Aug 2015, 05:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Heather:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You would need to find some corrobarating info from USA records possibly on or Do you have the marriage record from 1865? Does it show her age? Any clues on her death record or obituary?

    I did look on Roots Ireland and the Ally Hoban from Kilkenny did have at least three older siblings: Michael 1824, David 1826 and Bridget 1829.

    According to the records, the family lived in Desart which appears to be Desart Demesne in Tullaghanbrogue civil parish which is covered by Danesfort RC parish. I looked at the 1849 griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Tullaghanbrogue parish and there was a William Hoban living in Riesk townland. If William the father of Ally was still living in 1849 and was leasing land possibly this record is for him.

    I checked the 1901 census for Riesk and there was a William Hoban and family. My guess is that he is the grandson of William and Catherine and his father could have been Michael or David brothers of Ally.

    This is all speculation and the key point is trying to confirm whether your Alice Hoban is the Ally Hoban in the 1832 baptismal record.

    You may at some point want to consdier autosomal DNA testing. You might match someone else who has more info on your Hoban family.

    Regarding siblings coming to the USA, I would do a search on Ancestry for a David Hoban born in Ireland in 1826 and see if anything pops up.


    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 31st Aug 2015, 06:09PM
  • Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 31st Aug 2015, 06:33PM
  • Attached Files

    I have Alice's marriage information and death information. She had three daughters and two sons: Alice, Catherine, Mary, William, and John.

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 12:48PM
  • Attached Files

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 12:49PM
  • "You may at some point want to consdier autosomal DNA testing. You might match someone else who has more info on your Hoban family."


    This was my thought, as well. I hope to get tested, soon, and I look forward to seeing the results. Thank you, very much, for your help.

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 12:52PM
  • Heather:

    The death record shows her mother was Alice not Catherine.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 03:55PM
  • Attached Files

    It does say Alice on her death record. I have two other marriage records for Alice and Lawerence that have Catherine written on them. While I am not discrediting the possibility of her mother as Alice, I felt that Catherine was the best place to start, given the multiple documents containing the name Catherine. I am fairly new to genealogical research, so perhaps this wasn't the best decision.

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 08:58PM


    The marriage records are older and the info provided by Alice. The death record came later and the info was provided by the informant. So I would keep Catherine as the likely name for her mother with Alice as a secondary choice.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 1st Sep 2015, 09:06PM

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