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I just completed the British Institute course on Irish Genealogical Research and the the conclusion is that I must unravel all the Cork families that have a Jeremiah Moore/Jeremiah Moher in them.  I have started collecting the on-line information and some of the information in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.  Is any one else working on Moore in Cork?  Perhaps we could share what we have to date.  Our family has done Y-DNA and Family Finder (autosomal) DNA testing at FTDNA., the name is Edwin R. Moore.  The DNA sample has also been uploaded to GEDmatch.  Look for kit number F122446.  We joined the Moore world-wide project but only match 2 other Moore/Moher samples, both with County Cork links-to Kilworth, Kilgariff, Clonakilty and Garranecore.

My email is

Thank you,

Joyce Hodges

Basehor, KS 66007


Saturday 25th Oct 2014, 07:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Joyce

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I am not aware of any Moore research being conducted by volunteers of IrelandXO but wonder if you have checked other message boards like ancestry or rootsweb?…

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 10:58AM

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