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Further to my earlier general posts in search of Michael Cusack

I have been searching all parish record films at the Local Studies Centre, Ennis and have located a baptism for James, the third child of Michael Cusack and Bridget Morgan on 24 March 1855 in the parish of Kilmurry Ibricken. No townland was recorded. My search has now been narrowed to West Clare.
I am posting this update in the hope that someone may have knowledge of my small family in this parish. I am yet to find a marriage between Michael Cusack and Bridget Morgan or the baptisms of John C.1851 and Katherine C.1854. In the meantime I will keep searching.
Thank you, Bob

Bob Cusack

Monday 8th Sep 2014, 01:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Bob
    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have passed your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish in Co. Clare who may be able to assist. If you don't hear anything within the next week or so, let me know!

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 16th Sep 2014, 03:29PM
  • Further to my original post, I located the marriage of Michael Cusack to Bridget Morgan at Rhynagonnaught in 1846 and the Baptism of their first child John in 1847 at Clohans. These records were located in the unfilmed Parish records held at Kilkee. I am still trying to find the Baptism of their other child, Katherine in circa 1854. I have no idea of Michael's parents and have not located a death record for him. I have purchased every death certificate for all Michael Cusacks from Civil Registration until Bridget came to Australia in 1869 but none are his. Bridget's parents were Roger Morgan and Ellen Cahill. Would love to hear Om anyone researching my family.

    Bob Cusack

    Wednesday 15th Jun 2016, 10:49PM
  • Bob:

    Welcome Back to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Kilkee and Kilfearagh civil parish are within the Kilrush civil registration district. Civil registration started in 1864 and there were no Michael Cusack death index records in the period 1864-1869 in Kilrush. My guess is that Michael died before 1864 and Bridget waited until 1869 to leave.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing which might yield matches that have more info on the Cusacks in Ireland.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 22nd Jun 2016, 07:20PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Yes, I have had autosomal DNA testing done with Ancestry and I am now also waiting delivery of a full Y111 test kit to arrive from FamilyTreeDNA which will hopefully maximise my chances of locating a direct male line family member. I have also uploaded my results to Gedmatch but no Cusack matches. I have also joined the Clare Roots Project on FamilyTreeDNA. It looks like I have found a Cahill connection through DNA testing which is great and with more Clare descendants testing, I may find a Cusack rellie. I live in hope.

    We are returning to Ireland in September for the Conference at Ennis, and shall also be visiting Dublin to check further records such as Estate Papers and Inquests. Now that we know what Townlands they were in, we can search specific regions.

    As an aside, I have eliminated the Michael Cusack who stole grain during the famine while employed to distribute meal to the needy. He had 2 much older children who gave evidence.

    Thank you for your interest and input in to my research.

    Bob Cusack

    Bob Cusack

    Monday 27th Jun 2016, 12:37PM
  • Hi Bob,  I have just started to research the Cusack's as this is my husbands name.  His farther is Vincent Michael Cusack, Grandfather Michael James Cusack and gg John Cusack.  I would love to get in touch with you as we are related.  Kind Regards,  Beverley Cusack

    Tuesday 27th Feb 2024, 02:52AM

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