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I will be travelling around Ireland from the 18th September and will be staying in Cork for 3 nights.

My Grandfather William Brislane was born in Rockspring, Liscarroll in 1883.

His parents were Michael and Margaret and had 12 children.

My Grandfather came to London sometime before 1901 as he does not appear on the Census for that year.

My Mother told me that 6 of his brothers emigrated to America and she remembered one brother who came to visit them in London.

I have a copy of his birth certificate which shows his Mother's maiden name to be Daly and that his Father's profession was a Farmer.

The only other document I have is a copy of a letter dated 1911 confirming that he was baptised in November 1883 in the Parish of Churchtown & Liscarroll. I assume this was requested by the church before his marriage to my Grandmother.

I would like to visit Liscarroll when staying in Cork and any additional information would be greatly appreciated.


Rod Martell



Tuesday 8th Sep 2015, 01:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Rod,

    I will pass on your request for help to our parish liaison for Liscarroll



    Mallow Cork

    Tuesday 8th Sep 2015, 02:12PM
  • Hello Anne-Marie

    Thank you for your prompt response - much appreciated.


    Tuesday 8th Sep 2015, 05:58PM
  • Hi Rod,

    Just a quick update from the Liscarroll liaison who unfortunately can not reply herself at the moment, there is a message gone out to the Brislane descendants in Liscarroll, we keep you updated.


    Just to get back to answering your request for information about the family:

    There is a note on Williams baptism record that he married  on the 23 July 1911, William was baptised 15 November 1883 in Churchtown  ( One parish with Liscarroll)   His mother was Margaret Daly, father Michael Brislane

    William Brislane had the following siblings:

    John baptised in Churchtown on 28-Dec-1876

    Thomas baptised 18-Oct-1877 in Churchtown

    Jeremiah baptised 30-Jan-1879 in Churchtown

    Michael baptised 13-Apr-1880 in Churchtown

    Daniel 07-May-1881 in Churchtown

    James baptised 27-Feb-1885 in Churchtown

    David baptised 08-Sep-1891 in Churchtown and who married 18 August 1915 (no name of spouse)

    Michael Brislane married Margaret Daly on 20-Feb-1876 in Ballyclough, co Cork, Michaels address at the time of his marriage was Rockspring Liscarroll, his father John Brislane, his mother not mentioned

    Margaret Daly's address at the time of her marriage was Curragh co Cork, her father was Jeremiah Daly, her mother Margaret O'Connor.

    Hope this helps and we will keep you updated about the living Brislane descendants

    Kind regards,

    Mallow Cork

    Wednesday 9th Sep 2015, 04:57PM
  • Hi Anne-Marie 

    This fills in lots of gaps in the information I have about my Grandfather.

    I have some faint memories of him when I would have been about five years old. My Grandparents were evacuated from London during the Blitz and lived in Surrey. He was a Goods Foreman and worked at Waterloo Station in London. 

    He died in 1951 and my Grandmother came to live with us at our home in Bath, Somerset.

    Thank you for your time and effort in assisting me.



    Wednesday 9th Sep 2015, 06:58PM
  • Hi Rod,

    Glad we were able to help out a bit, hopefully we will hear back about your Brislane relatives in Liscaroll, who knows you can meet up with new relatives during your visit. Let us know when you will be in Liscarroll we will be pleased to show you around if you like


    Mallow Cork

    Thursday 10th Sep 2015, 09:08AM
  • Hi William,

    My Father would love to speak to you and knows some information you might be looking for and other people who might have more information. 

    He lives in Liscarroll and his number is 0868261544 or 022 48230 . Please contact him whenever you get a chance . He will be around on fri sept 18th in liscarroll if you would like to ring or call at any time . Thanks 

    Saturday 12th Sep 2015, 09:00AM
  • My mother also has some information and would like to meet you. Email me at and I can send you her number.

    Saturday 12th Sep 2015, 10:44AM
  • Hi Rod,

    Back in Sept 2012 i was contacted through the Liscarroll website by a Timothy Breslin whom i believe has the same Great Grandparents (Michael & Margaret) as you. I put him in contact at the time with a local Brislane family and if you wish i can pass on your contact details to both of them aswell. My email address is



    Tim Brosnan

    Sunday 13th Sep 2015, 07:08AM
  • Hello to Anne-Marie, Murf, Brendan and Tim.

    Thank you for your kind responses.

    Our Ireland visit  itinery is as follows: Friday 18th September fly to Dublin.

                                                              Stay with friends at Dalkey for two nights.

                                                              Leave for Cork Sunday 20th - three nights in Cork.

                                                              Leave for Kenmare 23rd - two nights there.

                                                              Then to Kilkenny for one night and finally back to Dublin for two nights.

                                                               Returning to the UK Monday 28 September.

    As this is my first visit to Ireland (long overdue) I asked my daughter, who has visited several times, what we should see. She suggested the areas where we have booked accomodation as good centres to stay. I did not want to try do too much driving about as I feel you don't see anything properly.

    So we will visit Liscarroll on either Monday 21st or Tuesday 22nd September.

    I will email you both, Brendan and Tim for details and ring Murf's Father when I know which day we will visit Liscarroll.

    My email address is

    Again many thanks for your efforts.









    Sunday 13th Sep 2015, 05:04PM

    Hi Rod

    Tim Bronson directed me to your post on this site. I am the Grandson of David Brislane, the youngest of the children of Michael and Margaret Brislane of Liscarroll. My Grandfather arrived in the U.S. In 1913 and went to San Francisco, California where his brother Jerimiah had settled after coming to the U.S.  David left San Francisco in 1915 and settled in New York City. he married Anna McCarthy in August 1915. I believe Anna was from Newmarket but I am still working on that fact. David and Anna had 5 children. The first, Hannah, died at the age of 5 months from pneumonia. Patrick, my father, was the oldest born in 1918. Michael and Charles were next followed by Margaret. Aunt Margaret is the only one still living and resides in Walton, New York. 

    I would really enjoy hearing about Grand Uncle William. I have heard from many parts of the Brislane family from San Francisco, Liscarroll, New York and Australia  you can reach me at

    Tim Breslin - Grandson of David Brislane



    Sunday 13th Sep 2015, 05:19PM
  • I was just wondering if anyone knew of a connection between the Brislane families in Liscarroll, Toomevara, and Limerick. They seem to be distinct, which is strange for an unusual name in a small area.

    Friday 16th Oct 2015, 09:31PM
  • Toornevara/Liscarroll

    MarkB I will look in to that for you, do you have names and dates for the Toornevara familymembers?


    Mallow Cork

    Saturday 17th Oct 2015, 04:12PM
  • Hello, 

    Recently I have researched my genealogy with focus on my Irish descendants, the McGrath family from Charleville, Cork. Through my reasearch I found out my great-uncle, Edmond McGrath, moved to the US in the 1920s and on some of his US military records he listed a James Brislane as being the first point of contact in emergency. I looked into James and believe he is the James of this family. 

    I am interested to know if there are any connections between our families you came across within your research? 
    I also have some documents for James Brislane I saved that I would be happy to pass over if you do not already have them.


    Wednesday 15th Feb 2017, 09:22PM


    Hi TC:

    James Brisbane was my Great Uncle. His youngest brother David, was my Grandfather. James spent quite some time in Charleville and also went to the US in the 1920's. He lived in New York City as did my Grandfather David and a few of the other members of the family. James was in New York but returned to Ireland in the late 1940's or early 50's. The McGrath name is familiar and I will look through my research to see if I have any information on the connection. 

    Tim Breslin


    Friday 17th Feb 2017, 02:40AM
  • Hi, Tim.

    Thank you for getting in contact, and for looking through your records.
    I hope to hear from you soon. 

    Sunday 19th Feb 2017, 05:00PM

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