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I am trying to ascertain information on my great grand mother (Martha Fleming) born in Ireland in approximately 1860 . A copy of her Australian Marriage Certificate shows she was married (17th Jan 1880) in Drayton, Australia in 1880. She was 21 years of age, Birthplace Kilrer, Co. Kerry. Parents: Henry Fleming and Bessie Davison.

I have been unable to find the village, town or Parish of Kilrer, Kerry. I have located a Marriage Certificate for a Henry Fleming((DoB 1833) ((Registration District Coleraine, to Elizabeth Davison (DoB 1834) Place of Marriage Desertoghil, Derry on the 24th March 1853)).

I may be wrong but I think that the Australian Marriage Certificate has been transcribed incorrectly. Is it possible for someone to research this matter for me.



Clifford Gibbards


Monday 9th Sep 2013, 01:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Clifford,

    Statistically, the surname Fleming is more common in Derry than Kerry so your theory may be correct. Statutory birth registration did not start in Ireland till 1864. Martha was evidently born before that and so to trace her you will need to rely on church records. Do you know what exact denomination she was?

    Rootsireland has a baptism for a Martha Ann Fleming in Co Derry for 1859. Might be her. (That?s pay to view).

    What was Henry?s townland s(address) on his marriage certificate? And what was his and his father?s occupations? That may enable me to locate him ion Griffiths Valuation.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 9th Sep 2013, 07:04AM
  • I am researching the Hunter family from Bovedy near Hervey Hill in Kilrea area. I found birth records for my Great Grandmother Mary Hunter and also 1901 census record of her parents. she married Thomas Graham of Garvagh. Her parents were William (John) Hunter and Mary McCaw. Coincidently I live in Hervey Bay Qld Australia. One of brothers settled in Maryborough Qld, and his son was Mayor of the city for several terms. He was the person who alerted my mother to the fact she had relatives in the area.
    I have no information about the McCaw family.
    I would be grateful for any information you may be able to give to me.


    Colleen Taylor.


    Friday 26th Sep 2014, 08:30AM
  • Colleen,

    Statutory registration of marriages started in Ireland in April 1845 (for non RC marriages). I have looked for Wm & Mary?s marriage but don?t see it in the statutory records. Therefore I suspect that married prior to April 1845.

    The family in the 1901 census were Presbyterian, so I would start my search by looking at Presbyterian records in Kilrea area. Kilrea 2nd Presbyterian churches marriage sonly start in 1845, so if that is where they married, then the earlier records are lost. However Kilrea 1st?s marriages date to 1825 so that looks more promising. The records are not on-line but there is a copy in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast. A personal visit is normally required to view them though.

    Don?t expect too much from pre 1845 records. They don?t contain as much information as later ones. However if lucky you may get Mary?s townland, which would enable you to trace her further. Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church so you might find her baptism and that of nay siblings in the same set of records.




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 27th Sep 2014, 06:18AM

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