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I have a copy of a letter dated 13 April 1841, Pettigo, and signed by Father Ryan, Lough Derg   stating that my ancestors -Patrick McGinley and his wife Kitty McGrath had been born and always lived in "this parish" . He does not give the name of the parish but my research tells me it was probably Templecarne.or Templecarne -Mcgrath as apparently it was once called. Do you think this is correct, or is there another possibility? Patrick and Kitty were leaving for Canada at that time, along with their 9 children, aged 3 to 24. I am wondering if parish records could give me any more information on this family i.e Roman Catholic records..            Thankyou,

                                                                         Ruth McGetrick


Tuesday 25th Mar 2014, 12:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Ruth,

    The name of the RC parish is Carn. (RC and civil parishes don?t always share the same boundaries or names and this is an example). You can see details of what records survive for Carn using this link. However unfortunately that parish has no records earlier than 1851. (If there ever were earlier records they have probably been lost. Sadly, that's a common problem with Irish research).




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 25th Mar 2014, 08:09AM

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