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I am interested in learning about the McNamaras who lived in the Rathmines area of Dublin in the mid-19th Century.  My great great grandfather was Edward McNamara who was married to a Mary Murray.  In Jan 1857 they were living at Gate Lodge, W.T. Japan (if that makes sense to anyone).  They later lived in Mount Pleasant.  Their children were Ellen McNamara, my great grandmother, born in Nov 1848; John McNamara born in June 1850; Bridget born in born in 1852; Anne in 1854; Thomas in 1857; Elizabeth Mary in 1858 (she married a John Greenway and moved to Cheshire, England); and, finally Francis Patrick born in 1862.  If anyone knows of any descendants of these McNamaras I would love to get in contact with them.  Thanks, Mike McDonald

Sunday 20th Dec 2015, 10:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    I hope that a McNamara ancestor will be in touch. In the meantime have you had a look at, a free site for Dublin records? You could use it to see if you could find out if any of the above married and then locate them or their known children on the 1901/1911 Census.

    Let us know if you learn anything new

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 20th Jan 2016, 04:00PM
  • Thanks Clare - I had already checked the Census Reports but I did again but with no obvious findings, and I've added the website to my list of favorites.  I am right now using IGPArchives quite a bit - they seem to have a lot on Dublin - but surprisingly (at least to me) I am still not turning up any obvious hits.  Hopefully a McNamara ancestor will get a hold of me and I will have a good break through.  But thanks for your interest and help!

    Mike McDonald


    Friday 22nd Jan 2016, 10:32PM

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