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I am seeking information related to ancestors that lived in Knockroe and Gortakeeran.  

My great-grandparents were John Galvin (b. 1866) and Delia (Bridget) Hurley (b. 1873).  They immigrated separately to the United States in the 1890s, married in Manhattan in 1905 and settled in Bridgeport, CT where John worked as an iron moulder and my grandfather Thomas and his two brothers were born. 

Through vital records and census information, I have found the following family information:

John's parents were John and Anne Hurley Galvin.  The civil registration records for John and siblings are Bullaun, while I believe that the 1901 and 1911 Censuses for the family list them as living in Gortakeeran.  He had two sisters that also immigrated to the U.S. in the late 19th century--Honora (Nora), who married John Dempsey in Loughrea and then lived in Boston, and Margaret who married John Niles in the U.S. and lived in Vermont.  They all lived in Boston at one time.  One census record shows a brother, Patrick Galvin living with Margaret and John in Vermont.  My mother recalls visiting her Dempsey cousins in Roslindale, MA during the 1940s and 50s.  The names of my great-grandfather John's remaining siblings in Ireland are likely Michael and Mary.  It appears from the 1901 census that they lived in Gortakeeran, Raford and lived next door to a relative, Patrick Galvin and his wife Hanoria (Nora).  I believe I have located the grave of John and Anne Galvin in the Killimordaly cemetery listing here:…;

Delia's parents were Thomas and Catherine (Kate) Mahon Hurley.  Records sometimes show the surname as Hurly.  Delia was baptized in Athenry but the 1901 and 1911 Censuses show the family living in Knockroe.  Delia had two brothers that immigrated to the Boston area.  One was named Michael J. Hurley and we believe the other brother was named Peter.  They may have had an uncle named Peter as well, living in Waltham, MA.  According to the Irish censuses of 1901 and 1911, Delia's siblings were Thomas, Patrick, Annie, William and Mary/Maria.

I don't know much of anything about the Dempseys but I believe they were from the area.  

Although John and Delia met and married in the U.S. I suspect the families were acquainted in Ireland.  I wonder if they were in fact related, since John's mother's maiden name was Hurley.  Some of the surnames listed as marriage witnesses or baptismal sponsors include Lawless, Burke, and Mahon. 

I would greatly appreciate any information you may have about these families!  Thank you.


Friday 10th Apr 2015, 10:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • Christine:

    I looked at the Roots Ireland indexes and after some searching found the marriage of John and Ann in 1862 in the Killimordaly/Kiltullagh RC church. John's name was shown as J. which complcated finding the record. No parents names were shown. Roots only has the marriage records for that parish. Later this summer the National Library of Ireland plans to place all RC parish registers online for free searching. I would review the Killimordaly/Kiltullagh baptismal records at that time.

    I found two possible civil death index records for John and Anne. See below. You can get copies o these records for around 4 euros each from the General Register Office. Let me know if you want instructions.

    Roger McDonnell

    First name(s) John
    Last name Galvin
    Birth year 1828
    Age at death 47
    Registered year 1875
    Registered quarter/year 1875
    Registration district Loughrea
    Volume 4
    Page 314


    First name(s) Anne
    Last name Galvin
    Birth year 1834
    Age at death 72
    Registered year 1906
    Registered quarter/year Oct - Dec 1906
    Registration district Loughrea
    Volume 4
    Page 189

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 10th Apr 2015, 11:36PM
  • Thank you so much for these records.  I have been unable to locate Anne  Galvin's death record, so this is a wonderful find, in a manner of speaking.  Thanks for doing some research on my questions, I greatly appreciate your time and effort.  

    I have heard about the RC parish registers going online this summer and I am quite excited to see what they might yield!  Thanks again.


    Sunday 17th May 2015, 03:58PM
  • Hi rosecampion,

    I have read with great interest your details and search for the Galvin Family from Gortakeeran. I think your great-grandfather John was my Grandmother Mary brother as she also had a brother named Michael. Sadly all the family were dead before I was born, my Dad was only a baby when his mother dies on 1913 circa. Michael passed away some years later.If it is the same family we would love to hear more as we have never known any of our Galvin Family.? The ruins of the home  in Gortakeeran is still visible and I believe Michael lived there until his death. My Dad being a regular visititor as a boy.!! Look forward to hearing more. RosieK



    Wednesday 2nd Mar 2016, 05:58PM
  • Hello Rosiek, 

    I'm so excited to read your reply to my post. I would love to chat further with you and see if we are, in fact, related. I've sent an email to the Ireland Reaching Out staff to ask if there is some way we could connect privately. I don't want to post my personal contact info, since this is a public site.  Hopefully there is a way we can be in touch soon. I look forward to talking more with you! 


    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 12:56AM
  • Hi rosecampion

    I too am so excited to hear from you and to hopefully discover our family history?

    I would love to follow this up with you as feel certain that our origins are from the same family. The names and dates match? I would love to catch up with you on a more private manner, meanwhile look forward and kindest regards.


    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 08:01PM
  • Hi RosieK,
    Did anyone get in touch with you and provide my email to you?  I had asked someone at the site to do that.  If not, let me know and I'll try again.


    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 10:21PM
  • Rose:

    I did send an e-mail to Rosie K on March 5th.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 12th Mar 2016, 04:04PM
  • Hi Rosecampion I have not received your email address as yet? I see a post saying that it was sent on March 5th but I have not received it, perhaps they could resend.
    Kindest regards

    Saturday 12th Mar 2016, 04:25PM
  • Rosie K.

    Not sure why the e-mail did not go through. Can you e-mail me at  and I will give you the e-mail address for Rose Campion.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 13th Mar 2016, 04:41PM
  • Hi Roger
    I have just emailed you but I am not sure if it went,I would like you to send me Rosecampion email in order that I can make contact with her.
    Many Thanks

    Monday 14th Mar 2016, 06:08PM
  • Hi Roger
    I have just emailed you but I am not sure if it went,I would like you to send me Rosecampion email in order that I can make contact with her.
    Many Thanks

    Monday 14th Mar 2016, 06:08PM
  • Rosie K:

    No I did not get your e-mail. I just sent you another e-mail anc copied Rose Campion. Fingers crossed.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 15th Mar 2016, 06:24PM
  • Thanks Roger have received email address, thank you so much,I will make contact direct.



    Wednesday 16th Mar 2016, 07:02PM
  • I have the 1821 census records and 1827 tithe applotment records for Gortakareen along with a map from 1833 that shows all the landholdings and landowners. There were two Galvin families and allied with local knoweledge it should be possible to determine which was which. Contact me at if interested.

    Best wishes, Kieran Jordan 

    Sunday 19th Mar 2017, 07:52PM
  • I'm rather late to this party, having just found this website.  What a goldmine of information!

    John Galvin (~1777 - 1864) and Honora Connaughton (~1790 - 1890) of Kiltulla (Gortakeeren) were my great-great-great-grandparents.  Their children were:

    Michael (~1811 - 1887), never married, stayed at the family farm

    Mary Galvin (~1811 - ?), I am not sure what happened to her

    Honora Galvin (1818 - 1899), married Michael Gilchrist, 2 children one of which immigrated to America

    Eleanor (~1821 - ?), I am not sure what happened to her

    William Galvin (1826 - 1920), immigrated to America in 1851 and married Mary Ellen Leland, 2 children in Baltimore

    John Galvin (~1828 - 1875), married Anne Hurley, ran the family farm, 6 children of which 4 immigrated to America (Mass.)

    Patrick Galvin (1829 - 1899), immigrated to America and married Elizbeth Buckley, 6 children in Baltimore


    William was my great-great-grandfather.  Partially because one of his grandsons because a US Senator and Governor of Maryland, we have some interesting histroy from his biography although it's not always 100% accurate.  For example, it said that William was the eldest in the family.  I have copied the first chapter about Uncle Herber's ancestry to my blog: When Vince met Levelle: Herbert R. O'Conor: The Inevitable Success ( .  The best thing there is a transcription of an 1861 letter, written by Michael on behalf of his parents, pleading for WIlliam and Patrick to return to Ireland. It mentions the other family members, some of Honora's family and other people from Kiltulla. 

    I would be thrilled to share information with any other kin.  ALso, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong!

    Rest regards, Michael

    Michael Smith

    Wednesday 24th Feb 2021, 06:53AM
  • Hi Michael,
    It's so nice to connect with you.  I do believe we are cousins. I recognized your name from Ancestry, as I've noticed you researching the Galvin family line and had planned to reach out at some point soon.  I have just sent you a message on Ancestry as I thought that might be an easier way to share info.  Please let me know if you do not receive my message on and we'll try to connect here or by email.  It sounds like we both have a lot of information to share and I look forward to being in touch. 



    Thursday 4th Mar 2021, 12:15AM
  • Hi Christine,

    Just a note to say that I had replied in  Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

    Best regards,


    Michael Smith

    Thursday 25th Mar 2021, 04:43PM

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