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This looks like a great idea. I organized a family re-union in 1998 for all the descentants of one pair of great-grandparents in Cashel, Conemara. We had over 80 who returned from all over the world. A wonderful event that we all still talk about. My Mother Edith Moylan came from Peterswell, her parents were teachers. I now live in Fermoy, Co Cork.


Tuesday 18th Oct 2011, 11:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Your grandfather Mr Patrick Moylan became principal of Peterswell NS in 1902. He taught there with his wife until they retired. You may know this already but it's all the info I have at hand for the moment.


    Tuesday 18th Oct 2011, 11:32AM
  • I know  Edith Moylan went to school with my mother Mary Roughan Ballycahalan at Peterswell N.S.  I am  her daughter. I was involved in compiling the 60th anniversary book of the current school in  2004.

    Wednesday 11th Jan 2012, 07:40PM

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