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My great grandmother Hanoria Scanlan married Giles Cook ,a Royal Marine from England in 1882 in Ballylongford . They had a son Thomas in Ireland and then returned to Plymouth England where my grand father was born .Her parents were Michael Scanlan and Catherine Enright . I think most of her siblings went to America  Any more information about the family would be welcome please . 


Thursday 14th Aug 2014, 12:23PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Catherine

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    As you can see from the map below, Aghavallen is a Civil Parish in north Co. Kerry:

    Records for the corresponding Roman Catholic parish of Ballylongford begin in 1823 for baptisms and 1826 for marriages. Ordinarily, this would be good for you in your search. However, there is quite a large gap in the series, meaning that there are no baptism records between May 1838 and October 1869 and few marriage records up to 1837.

    Have you had a look at to see if there are any records on that free site for your ancestors:

    You could try to search for siblings of Honoria whose records may have survived that missing period. There is a marriage record there for a Michael Scanlan from Aughrim and a Catherine Enright from Duchaha. Michael?s father was John and Catherine?s was Patrick. They were married in 1860.

    Have a look and see if you can locate any further information. Other websites to search include:

    Griffith?s Valuation (1847-1864):

    Tithe Applotment: 1823-1832):

    Have you contacted the UK National Archives in Kew regarding Giles? military information?

    Let us know how you get on

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 19th Aug 2014, 09:23AM
  • If "catherinelawrence" is still looking for information on Hanoria Scanlan (Norah), reply to this message.  Norah is my great grandfather's sister and I have information about her siblings.

    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 08:15PM
  • Hi I most certainly am very interested . I do have some information on the siblings of my great grandmother but it would be fabulous to hear from you about them .I look forward to hearing from you again soon 


    Saturday 2nd Apr 2016, 09:20AM
  • Hi,  Are you sure that your great grandmother's parents were Michael Scanlan and Catherine Enright?  The reason I ask is that my family is not sure of the spouse of Norah (Hanora) Scanlan - we think she married and continued to live in Limerick, Ireland.  In seaching for her online, I came across your post.  After I saw the information you had, I then started to look for a record of the marriage of Giles Cook and Honora Scanlan and found one on which shows Norah's parents as Micheal and MARY Scanlon, and not Catherine Enright.  Also, Michael Scanlon and Catherine Enright (my ancestors) lived in Aughrim.  If you have direct family knowledge that Catherine Enright is your ancestor, then the Roman Catholic Church records online, could be wrong - it wouldn't be the first time I encountered typos and transcription errors.  Here is a link to the record I've referring to…

    Reply and let me know if you still think we share the same ancestors.  THANKS, Kerry

    Saturday 2nd Apr 2016, 04:44PM
  • Hi kerry 

    I cannot say I am `100% certain of my facts as like you I have had  so much  contrasting information .I have documents as follows 

    Marriage certificate of Giles Cook and Hanoria Scanlan . Ballylongford 19/2/.!882 Father shown as Michael Dec`d.. Witnesses Daniel Scanlan and Thomas Mulvihill 

    Birth Certificate of their son Thomas born 1/7/1883 Ballylongford  Mary Scanlan present at birth . (this could have been her sister Mary )

    Evidence of marriage of Michael Scanla from  Aughrim and Catherine Enright from Duchaha   in Tarbert On 7./2/1860

    Evidence of baptisms of Hanora Scanlan 1862  Maria 1861 Brigida 1863 Patrtius 1865 Ellena 1866 John 1867 Dennis 1867 Margarita 1869  Timothy 1870Catherina (Bridget ) 1872 Michael 1873 Maria 1877   A lot of these names are in Latin form ... All at Moyvane Knockanure Newtownsandes . I have thought this was my family but by no means am I certain  I got this information from Find My Past .

    i also found details of a marriage between Patrick Enright to Mary Shanahan 4/2/1838 at Ballylongford . I think this may be the parents of Catherine Enright ?????? Somewhere some time ago I understood that Catherine was in fact Catherine MARY Enright and thought maybe she was known as Mary ...I have been trying to solve this puzzle for over 8 years but still not certain about it . Do any of these names mean anything to you ?

    A few years ago I was cotacted by a relative of PatrickScanlan who married ellen Mulvihill . His names connected with mine and showed baptism in Tarbert but the same date as the Moyvane baptism  . ???? All very confusing . I even had a photo of Patrick He lived in Washington DC >Maybe  just  me but he did resemble my grandfather  .

    I hope you can follow my rambling ,but like you ,I am very confused ,so any help would be appreciated 

      regards catherine (Maureen Lucas )



    Sunday 3rd Apr 2016, 10:31AM
  • Hi Maureen,  If you still check this message board, I have additional info for you on the family.  Do you want to share an email address and I can send it to you directly.

    Best regards...Kerry

    Wednesday 15th Mar 2017, 06:53PM
  •   Hi Kerry

    Any information would be gratefully received . My e mail address is   Thankyou so much for keeping in touch  

      Regards Maureen


    Thursday 16th Mar 2017, 12:33PM

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