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My gg-grandmother, Mary Lucid, came to America in the 1840's or 1850's.  Everything I have says she was born in Ballyheigue between 1831 and 1837.  I've never been able to find her baptism records in the on-line indexes of Kerry church baptisms, because Mary was such a common name. 

A cousin of Mary's granddaughter (my grandmother) visited Kerry in the ealry 1900's (1920 - 1930??) and said that Mary's father was Edmund Lucid, which I've never been able to confirm.  She also found a cemetary where a number of very early Lucids (Mary's ancestors) were said to be buried, but I also cannot find it in any of the on-line resources.

I will be in Kerry in September, 2016.

Bob Faulkner

Bob Faulkner

Saturday 2nd Apr 2016, 11:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bob:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    If Mary was from Ballyheigue then her baptismal record would not be available because Ballyheigue records do not begin until 1857.   The 1852 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Ballyheige civil parish does show an Edmond Luci in the townland of Ballyheige.

    By 1901 there were no Lucids in the townland/town of Ballyheige but there were 31 Lucids in the surrounding townlands.…

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 3rd Apr 2016, 12:46AM
  • Roger,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I seem to remember finding recently that that Ballyheigue parish was established about the time you mention.  If that is the case, do you know what other parishes might have served the Ballyheige area?

    I will be in Kerry in a few weeks and plan to spend a day touring the Ardfert & Ballyheige area, to see the general area where my gg-grandmother might have lived. We will stay in Kenmare for 2 days and Dingle for 4 days.


    Bob Faulkner,
    Dallas, Tx

    Bob Faulkner

    Sunday 21st Aug 2016, 07:12PM
  • Bob:

    Have a great trip! Kerry is one of my favorite counties. 

    Here is a link to the Lewis Topographical Directory for Ballyheigue

    There was a chapel in Ballyheigue which was administered by the RC parish of Killury/Causeway which is northeast of Ballyheigue.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Aug 2016, 04:04PM
  • There are some Lucids, I think Mary, attached to my O'Brien ancestors in Ballymalis. Patrick O'Brien 1853-1939 came to Manchester, NH in 1869 or so, and his siblings Timothy, Catherine, and Julia came there too. For further discussion you can contact me here, or, or cell: 203.788.6993.


    Tuesday 15th Aug 2017, 09:23PM
  • Hi I have Lucid descendants  and my father was from Ballyheigue. I can go back to Lucets in 1801 who had a son Edmund.. when searching for relatives online you have to put in all the variations of the name. Lucid, lucitt, lucet etc. I have a family tree if you would like to see it.

    Monday 2nd Oct 2017, 08:06PM
  • Thanks to all the replies.

    My wife and I LOVED our trip to County Kerry last year.  I visited the old Ballyheigue Cemetery while we were there and found the Lucid crypt referenced by my Grandmother's cousin about a 100 years ago.  I opened up a Find-a-Grave page for the cemetery and posted the marker photos that I took there.

    Still have not found a firm link to my gg-grandmother, Mary Lucid, and her family in Ireland.  I have found a lot of Lucids and related families in the Ballyheigue area though.  It's just hard to tie them all together.


    -Bob Faulkner

    Bob Faulkner

    Monday 2nd Oct 2017, 11:30PM

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