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I am looking for anyone who knows of the Walsh/Leary family in Castleisland in 1887.  I am looking for information on James Patrick Walsh, born in Castleisland in 1887.  His parents were: Patrick Walsh & Hannah Leary.

Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 03:19AM

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  • Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed your query to a Kerry volunteer. I hope she will be in touch soon

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 02:15PM
  • Marsha:

    Can't tell if you heard from our Kerry volunteer. I did take a look at the 1901 census for Co. Kerry. I found a record for a 13 year old James Walsh in the neigboring parish (to Castleisland) of Ballycusland. (Emigrants tended to say they were from the largest town in the area when they were asked by officials).

    The father in this record was Patrick but the mother was shown as Norah rather than Hannah.…

    I aslo looked for civil birth index records in the Tralee registration district (which includes Castleisland) and found a record for a James Walshe in 1887 (no James Walsh records).

    First name(s) James
    Last name Walshe
    Registration year 1887
    Registered quarter/year Jul - Sep 1887
    Registration district Tralee
    Volume 5
    Page 511

     Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 8th Nov 2014, 03:24PM

    I am looking for more information regarding my Grandfather, James Patrick Walsh. Do you have records that would indicate when he left Ireland and immigrated to the United States?  He settled in Sacramento, California and is buried here.

    Would also like more information on my Great Grandfather Patrick Walsh & my Great Grandmother Hanora Walsh (Leary). I bellieve she went by Norah.  Where are they buried in Ireland (Kerry).

    Appreciate your help!!

    Pleasae email me at:


    ~Maggi Harris



    Sunday 18th Mar 2018, 05:17AM
  • Maggi:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You did not provide any dates. Is this the marriage record for your great-grandparents?

    Roger McDonnell

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - CASTLEISLAND

    Marriage of PATRICK WALSH of CUMMEEN and HONORA LEARY of KILHOURAN on 2 March 1869


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 18th Mar 2018, 07:38PM


    Hi Roger:

    My Grandfather, James Patrick Walsh was born on June 26, 1887 in Castleisland, Ireland (Kerry).  Parents:  Patrick Walsh (Father) and Hanora (Norah) Walsh (Mother).  I was looking for information on what year he immigrated to the United States. And, did he go through Ellis Island in New York?  What year? He lived and worked in Sacramento, California, USA  Died & Buried in Sacramento - 1965.

    My own Mother, Julia Mary Walsh AKA "Julia Mary Harris (Judy) who is James Patrick Walsh's middle daughter, was born in Sacramento, California on March 1, 1923. Deceased: March 2007. Other daughters: Noreen Walsh (Higginson) and Patricia Walsh (Mello)

    Would also like information on Great-Grandparents on whether they continued back then to live in Ireland and/or are buried there. And, where are they buried? Town and cemetary? At one time they lived in Knockrower East/Coomeenaboha near Scartaglin:

    Patrick Walsh - Farmer

    Hanora (Norah) Walsh

    l appreciate all of your help!!


    Maggi Harris


    Monday 19th Mar 2018, 01:28AM
  • Maggi:

    Can I sugggest that you go and search for your James Walsh. Very common name. Possibly you will see a James Walsh from Castleisland around 1905-1910. There are no records of people leaving Ireland in the early part of the 20th century. He could have come into Boston, Philadelphia or another port.

    I located the 1901 and 1911 census records for the family. However, I was unable to find a civil death record for either Patrick or Hanora. You may want to contact the church in Castleisland which includes a church in Scartaglin to see if they have any information……


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 19th Mar 2018, 03:47PM

    Thank you Roger so much!  I have already looked for information on the Ellis Island website and there was nothing.  And, I already had the same census records of 1901 & 1911 previously.  Your suggestion of looking for my Grandfather, James Patrick Walsh 1905-1910 regarding Ellis Island is out.  He was only 13 years old in 1901. I will just kept diging.  I will contact the church in Castleisland fo information about my Great-Parents.  Marriage & Death records are somewhere.

    Thank you again for all of your wonderful help!


    Maggi Harris


    Monday 19th Mar 2018, 06:19PM


    I need to verify the town that my Great-Grandmother was born as indicated by you earlier.  It looks likes a incorrect town because nothing comes up.  It probably is a misspelling:

    The is the following information that you gave me:


    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - CASTLEISLAND

    Marriage of PATRICK WALSH of CUMMEEN and HONORA LEARY of KILHOURAN on 2 March 1869

    **Cannot locate a town for GGM of "Kilhouran".  Do you mean "Killoran, Galway, Ireland"?

    Thank You,



    Monday 19th Mar 2018, 09:39PM
  • Maggi:

    That record is straight from   and it was transcribed from the parish register.

    Here is the actual parish register entry

    You could make a case for a slightly different spelling but I was unable to find an official townland with a spelling close to the image. Likely it was a local place name in the Castleisland area.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 20th Mar 2018, 06:07PM
  • Thank You!!


    Tuesday 20th Mar 2018, 11:05PM
  • Maggie,

    From my research it appears that Kilhouran was a baptismal site: in the Castleisland RC parish.  I also search… for the name Kilhouran and found 40 results for births and marriages.

    Jeanne Reilly


    Wednesday 21st Mar 2018, 02:51PM

    Dear Jeanne:

    Thank you so much for all of your help and for jumping in on this conversation.  i'm learning to keep digging for information. Really interesting information.  I just could not locate the town of Kilhouran, so I thought I would just keep asking.

    Many Thanks,

    Maggi  :)


    Wednesday 21st Mar 2018, 03:59PM
  • You also might try to look for your ggrandparents burial using the Kerry Graveyard site at



    Thursday 22nd Mar 2018, 01:15PM
  • Hi Jeanne:

    Oh my gosh, thank you sooo much!  You are so kind to help me!  I found something possibly on my GGM, but not GGF. I figured out a approximate DOB, but don't have any true dates of birth.  Their names are so common, it makes it more difficult. 

    I grew up briefly with my Grandfather when I was little, but died in 1965 & I was 9.  Wish I could have learned more. We were such a Irish/Catholic family and I teasure it. 

    I will keep digging.  Thank you again so much!


    Maggi  :)


    Thursday 22nd Mar 2018, 04:00PM

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