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Researching the family Daly. Originally born in Boolacullane (various spellings used), Daniel Joseph Daly was born 15 May 1868. His parents were Elizabeth (Egar) and Daniel Daly. Daniel and Elizabeth are my great-great-great grandparents. 

Daniel was the youngest of four children. Michael (never found), Bridget (28 May 1868) and Patrick Joseph (17 March 1866). The children (minus Michael) were all baptized in Firies parish, records at St. Gertrude's Catholic Church. 

Daniel married Mary Barrett 26 February 1897.  His address was listed as Drumolton. They were married in Killeentierna, recorded at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Currow. They had nine children, all baptized in Immaculate: Daniel, Andrew, Ann, Elizabeth, Michael, James, Mary (possibly known as Johanna), Patrick and Bridget.

I'm attempting to find any descendents of this family still living in the area. I know there are several Dalys that still live there, but I don't have any clue which ones may be the right ones. I posted a notice in last week's Kerry's Eye, but have yet to receive a response. 

Any leads or comments would be greatly appreciated!



Wednesday 31st Oct 2012, 10:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Joan,


    Thanks so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. 

    I think I may have seen Catherine in the register when I visited Immaculate in September, however the date of birth wasn't possible when added in with the other children. I'll have to go back and check my notes again. 

    I did find the census entries for the Daly/Barrett family. I also believe I found the Dalys alone in the 1911 census, so I'm assuming the elder Barretts passed away in the interim. I was given some other details about the Barrett's from the register at Immaculate, back another generation or two.   Father Flynn was an amazing source of information when I visited. 

    I know there is another Daly, Batt,  living on the main road from Farranfore to Killarney (I believe it was the N22) about half way between Farranfore and Boolacullane. While on Boolacullane I met a man named Sean Cronin who is friends with Batty, as Sean called him, and Batt had told him that he was related to some Dalys who lived on Boolacullane many years ago. I attempted to visit Batt twice, but he didn't answer his door on either visit. I wanted to try to find out the names of his Dalys. Now I'm not sure if I should try to mail him a letter, or how best to contact him. Maybe he is related to the Dalys you know?

    Thanks again for your reply!  I am grateful to you for your assistance. 




    Saturday 10th Nov 2012, 02:44AM
  • Dear Joan,

    Thank you so much for this information. I understand that Paddy and Bridie are Patrick and Bridget, but I'm not sure which one would be May.  Is one of the children's names a common one to be nicknamed May in Ireland?

    Would it be possible for you to ask your friend from Drumolton if he has any recollection of time as to when Paddy passed away?  

    Since they had a nephew, I'm assuming at least one of the children had children of their own. When we were in Ireland I saw several vans for Daly Meat Purveyors. I wonder if they are related through that nephew. 

    I look forward to any additional news you can find!!!  Thanks again for all your help!


    Saturday 17th Nov 2012, 01:49PM
  • Dear Joan,

    Thanks for your most recent update. I appreciate your time and assistance!

    I've been trying to google obituaries for Paddy, Bridie and Mary in Drumolton, but haven't had any luck. I did send off an email to a Brendan Daly in Listowel, through a racing contact I found online and am awaiting a reply. I didn't have any luck finding any butchers in Listowel through google. 

    I hope to hear from you again soon!


    Monday 26th Nov 2012, 01:06PM
  • Dear Joan,


    I hope you had a lovely holiday season. I appreciate all the help you've given me so far. I was wondering though, if you'd heard back from your friend after Christmas, and if he had been able to find out anything more about the Dalys or the nephew in Listowel. 

    Thanks again for everything!


    Thursday 10th Jan 2013, 11:29PM
  • Dear Joan,


    That will be fine. I appreciate everything that you've done, very much!

    I hope that you are well. 



    Sunday 13th Jan 2013, 12:37PM
  • Dear Helen

    Just came across your search for members of the Daly family from Dromulton.  I knew Paddy, Mai and Bridie and met Daniel(Sonny), Hannah(Ann), Elizabeth(Lizzie) and Mick when they returned home on holidays.  Paddy died in Dec. 1990 ,the farm was sold shortly after and Mai and Bridie moved to Listowel to stay with their nephew Dan Browne who had a butcher shop there. Later on they moved into a nursing home where they stayed till their deaths.  They are all buried in St. Michael's cemetery in Currow and their parents Daniel and Mary (Barrett) Daly are buried in Killsarcon cemetery in Currow Parish. Their nephew Dan Browne has since died also but another nephew Johnnie Browne lives in Ballybunion and has a butcher shop there in Main Street. I hope I hope this little bit of information is of some assistance to you in your search.




    Tuesday 15th Jan 2013, 10:35PM
  • Dear Nora,

    Thank you so much!  I appreciate all this information VERY much!  :)

    I've sent you a private message as well. 


    Wednesday 16th Jan 2013, 01:46AM

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