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I am looking for information, firstly, about my great grandmothers people any information or assistance is welcome, eg, mother, brothers and sisters, etc.

Name: Julia Mary Moynahin (spelling differs on some documents)

Born: c.1856, I'm assuming Co Kerry?, I cannot find a birth record for her.

Father: Martin Moynahin   Occupation: Farmer (1878)

Marriage: Denis Mahony/Mahoney, 20 August 1878

Marriage Details: 20 August 1878, Marriage solemnized at the Roman Catholic Chapel of Currans in the Registrar's District of Molahiffe in the Union of Killarney in the County of Kerry, Witnesses: Bryan Cahill and Michael Mahony/Mahoney

Julia and Denis went to New Zealand aboard the Waikato as Assisted Emigrants and arrived 18 January 1879 in Lyttelton New Zealand and lived in Antigua St, Christchurch. Would they have needed a Sponsor/s, if so,  would there be a record of who the sponsor was?

On the birth certificate of their first son Daniel Joseph Mahoney b.21 August 1879 it states that Denis was a Constable, I'm a little confused as he usually had Farmer as his occupation?

I do have further information regarding their lives in New South Wales Australia from c.1883

Denis Mahony's parents were: Daniel Mahony and Honora(sp) Fleming, Denis was born in April 1851 with sponsors Denis Mahony and Ellen Fleming.



Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 03:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Kim,


    The name as it is in Kerry and in most of Ireland is  MOYNIHAN , often the name changed after emigration as in this case.

    Just wondering if this could be Julia, different father but there are no Martin Moynihans to be found till about 1880 in Kerry, did you get his name from a marriage certificate ?

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - ANNASCAUL

    Baptism of JULIA MOYNIHAN of KILELTON on 15 March 1856

    Date of Birth 15 March 1856 (BASED ON OTHER DATE INFORMATION)
    Address KILELTON
    Mother JULIA HEALY


    Her husband Denis was living at Currans county Kerry at the time of the marriage in 1878 and Julia was living in Killelton county Kerry,


    Hope this helps




    Mallow Cork

    Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 11:08AM
  • Hello Annemarie,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have an actual printout of Julia and Denis' marriage details from Roscommon Registrar's office as per the details in my original message and on that it states that Julia's dads name was Martin. I was wondering if there would be more information on a 'full' marriage certificate? eg, Mother's name, address, siblings etc.

    I don't know if Martin was alive when Julia and Denis got married, would it state that on a full marriage 'certificate', all that it has under 'Rank of Prefession of Father' for Martin is Farmer. I am baffled as I cannot find a connection for Julia and unfortunately all of my older relatives have gone so there is no one left ask. I am unsure of how to proceed?

    Annmarie, you wrote that at the time of Julia and Denis' marriage that Julia was living at Killelton, is that because of the Baptism information that you found/posted or did you come across some other information to show that Julia lived there?

    Also, it states that they were married at the Roman Catholic Chapel of Currans, was there only one RC chapel in Currans at the time, what was the actual name of the Church?

    Annmarie, thank you very much for your help as you can imagine I have been hitting a brick wall with Julia's information.





    Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 12:30AM
  • Hi Kim,


    Yes on the baptsim record from the julia I found it gave Killelton as her parents address, I wonder if there is an error in one of the marriage transcriptions regarding Micheal or Martin, could one of them been taken down wrong I wonder. Often in older records Michael is just down as Mi. A priests handwriting can be hard to decypher at times

    There  was only one RC  church in Currans, Currans was and still is not that big

    More then likely the marriage cert that you already have is as good as it gets, I do not believe that there is another marriage cert with more information as they make a copy of all the information given at the time. Unfortunately the church registration gives even less information apart from a different date (???)


    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - KILLEENTIERNA

    Marriage of DENIS MAHONY of CURRENS and JULIA MOYNIHAN of NR on 20 October 1878

    Address CURRENS NR
    Occupation NR NR
    Father NR NR NR NR
    Mother NR NR NR NR
    Priest NR
    Husband Age NR
    Husband Denomination RC
    Husband Marital Status NR
    Wife Age NR
    Wife Marital Status NR
    Husband's Father's Occupation NR
    Wife's Father's Occupation NR
    Witness 1 BRIAN CAHILL
    Witness 2 MICHAEL MAHONY


    Mallow Cork

    Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 03:10PM
  • Hi Kim,


    Yes on the baptsim record from the julia I found it gave Killelton as her parents address, I wonder if there is an error in one of the marriage transcriptions regarding Micheal or Martin, could one of them been taken down wrong I wonder. Often in older records Michael is just down as Mi. A priests handwriting can be hard to decypher at times

    There  was only one RC  church in Currans, Currans was and still is not that big

    More then likely the marriage cert that you already have is as good as it gets, I do not believe that there is another marriage cert with more information as they make a copy of all the information given at the time. Unfortunately the church registration gives even less information apart from a different date (???)


    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - KILLEENTIERNA

    Marriage of DENIS MAHONY of CURRENS and JULIA MOYNIHAN of NR on 20 October 1878

    Address CURRENS NR
    Occupation NR NR
    Father NR NR NR NR
    Mother NR NR NR NR
    Priest NR
    Husband Age NR
    Husband Denomination RC
    Husband Marital Status NR
    Wife Age NR
    Wife Marital Status NR
    Husband's Father's Occupation NR
    Wife's Father's Occupation NR
    Witness 1 BRIAN CAHILL
    Witness 2 MICHAEL MAHONY


    The norm was that couples got married in the parish were the bride was from, so the above Julia should have been from KILLEENTIERNA  county Kerry (about 6 miles , 8 minutes from Currans)

    Best thing to do is ask for assistance from the Ireland XO parish liaisons from Currans, who have their own page here on this site, there is also the Currans message board there :

    It almost looks like we are dealing with 2 Julia Moynihans and  2 Denis O'Mahony's who both married around the same time in the same place.



    Mallow Cork

    Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 03:23PM
  • Irish Records Extraction Database about Julia Moynihan

    Name: Julia Moynihan
    Sex: Female
    Birth: About 1858
    Birthplace: of Currens, County Kerry, Ireland
    Marriage: 20 Oct 1878
    Marriage Place: Currow Roman Catholic Church, County Kerry, Ireland
    Spouse: Denis Mahony



    Mallow Cork

    Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 03:27PM
  • Hello Annemarie,

    I have just read your posts and once again thank you for responding.

    On the IGI site it has Julia and Denis' wedding date as 20 October 1878 but on their actual wedding document that I have it states that they were married on 20 August 1878 and formally registered by the Registrar on 21 December 1878. So, I am assuming that an error has occured with transcription maybe?

    On their marriage document regarding residence it both listed under the "Residence at the Time of Marriage" = Currans for both of them, but it has NR for Julia on the IGI site? bet :-)



    P.S If you come from a family where traditional naming patterns were used how do families differentiate between eg, Cornelius if there are a lot of Corneliuses, would their middle name be used to identify that particular Cornelius?

    Would law require you to record your real First name or whatever everyone called you eg, Cornelius Martin but everyone knows you as Martin so that is the name that the person uses/d.


    Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 11:01PM
  • I am straing to believe that there was an error somewhere

    Ireland has a history of strong naming patterns, first born son after the fathers father, second son after the mothers father, first daughter after the mothers mother and so on

    So if you see a lot of Cornelius's in one family yes they could be related, but Cornelius was also a very popular name at the time, most of the time they just  called them Con for short. If there were a lot of them it might have been big or  old Cornelius or Cornelius from so and so. The Irish were realy good with nicknames too

    In baptsim records they are just recorded with one name most of the time, it was required to give the first name when you registered something

    Monday 11th Mar 2013, 11:53AM

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