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I am trying to find more children of Julia Brien (dob  1813 in Cloundaeigh, County Kerry )and Thomas Fleming (married in 1833). They had one child in Ireland Michael in 1841 then moved to England and had 8 more children. Did they have more in Ireland? They left Michael (my g/grandfather ) behind. who did he stay with? The story is that he became a teache r(no Proof). Married Bridget Brosnahan and with little children migrated to New Zealand


Tuesday 14th May 2013, 09:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Denise

    Have you seen the free e magazine Irish Lives Remembered, recently there was included an article about the Brosnahan Reunion here is the link you may be able to make contact with someone through this that may be able to help you make contact with descendants 




    Hope this helps, I have sent this to another query looking for Brosnahan's as well

    Good Luck

    Maureen O'Connor NZ

    Thursday 16th May 2013, 09:47AM

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