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Hi, First of all I would like to state that I have looked in,, etc. 

Anne, according to her obituary states she was 30 years & 9 days old at time of death. Since she died Feb 23, 1892 that would make her date of birth about  Feb 15, 1862 give or take a day or two. It also states she was from the town of Tullamore in the  county of Kerry in Ireland.  Death certificate does not name parents or where she was born. Anne was married at St Patrick's Catholic Church in Chicago, IL to John Daly, Sept of 1883, So apparently she was Roman Catholic.  As far as i know Anne's fathers name was Joseph. her mother may have been Mary, but I am not sure. I think Joseph is the same as Joseph that married Bridget Walsh Feb 26, 1843.  Joseph & Bridget had children Catherine, Mary, Bridget, Edmund, Joseph, & Honora. If this is the same Joseph & he remarried he and second wife had ellen/Nellie & of course Anne.  There may even have been a Margaret.  Thing is I know there are family connections with Joseph & Bridgets children, But I do not know for sure if Joseph was remarried and had more children that included Anne. 

Associated names would be Galvin, Sullivan, O'donnel, Walsh, Donahoue and of course Daly. 

I do not know for sure when Anne came to the US,  I have all the information on her since she came here, but I have no clue of her back story, Family etc.  Can you help??I have been working on this on and off since 2004.

Thank you

Most Respectfully

Maye B-T


Tuesday 1st Apr 2014, 07:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Griffiths Valuation for 1851 lists a Joseph Shanahan on plot 23a in Tullamore townland where he had a farm, outbuildings and 49 acres (part of which was just bog). Possible death for Joseph S registered in Listowel Oct ? Dec 1885, est year of birth 1824.

    By 1901 the farm was headed by Jeremiah.(I think his marriage to Margarte Buckley was registered in Listowel in Jan - Mar 1881).…

    That?s in the RC parish of Ballybunion. Their parish records start in 1831. There?s a copy of the records for 1831 ? 1870 in the National Library, Dublin. They may not be on-line anywhere yet, in which case you would need to get a researcher to look them up for you to see if they can find Anne?s baptism.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 1st Apr 2014, 08:08PM
  • Did you ever get an answer for your question?

    We are also descended from Walshes of Tullamore -- Johanna (McCarthy) and Michael Walsh b abt 1800. 

    My sister has done extensive work on Walshes of Tullamore. She has identified the Anne Shanahan who m. John Daley in Chicago as most likely being the Honora Shanahan baptized Mar 1 1859 in Ballybunion with parents Bridget Walsh and Joseph Shanahan. The original record at actually appears to say "Hannam," which would be Hannah or Anna. (Compare to Honoram for her sister Honora born Dec 1855.) Birth years are usually off a few years for Irish immigrants. And the March 1 baptism would be consistent with a February birth. 

    Note:  One of the witnesses at Bridget Walsh's and Joseph Shanahan's marriage was Michael Walsh, who could possibly be my ancestor. Have you done DNA testing for genealogy purposes? We have a number of DNA matches with persons whom we believe to be descended from Michael's siblings.

    Thursday 11th May 2017, 04:46PM
  • Hi Kate

     Just received your post today though it looks like you posted at least a few days ago, I have had no more luck today then I did in 2014 in search of Anne's Birthdate & Baptism. I do however, know H Shanahan is a different person.  Honora was the daughter of Joseph Shanahan & Bridget Walsh. Born  about Dec 19 1855 per Ireland genealogy. She married William O'Donnell Feb 04, 1875, Parish Ballybunion. William O'Donnell & Honora had five children,  Bridget O'Donnell around Feb 1876, James O'Donnell around Feb 1877,  Hanora/Honora O'Donnell around Oct 1880, Joseph O'Donnell around Feb 1883 and George O'Donnell around Jun1884. Sometime between George's birth and Feb 1890 Honora passed. I have not been able to find her death, but it was in Ireland. William then married JoAnna Collins Feb 15, 1890. Together they had at least one child, also named Honora.    Honora Shanahan, Bridget Shanahan and Margeret Shanahan remained in Ireland. Bridget married James Cotter, their children came to the US. Bridget died young and James remarried. Margaret married Gerald Gallivan and their children came to the US.Catherine Shanahan, Ellen Shanahan, Mary Shanahan, and my Anne came to the US. Catherine married Thomas Loaney, they have decendents in US. Ellen married Thomas Donahue, sadly all of her children died young. only one daughter made it to adulthood, but she died young and her husband remarried. Ellen died shortly after her last daughter. She lso has decendents from her daughters children. Mary married Patrick Sullivan, they may also have decendents as some of the children made it to adulthood.  I know nothing of what happened to Edmund or young Joseph Shanahan. They may or may not have come to US, I really do not know. Of course Anne married John Daly they had 6 children but only two survived to adulthood. My great grandmother Nora Daley & Joseph Daley.Only my great grandmother had children and decendents. brother Joseph and wife had none. Joseph Shanahan Sr. father of all passed Nov 29, 1885 in Listwell Dist. 

    Sorry I went on and on, I just love genealogy. and no I have not yet done a dna as cost is too much. maybe someday.


    May B-T


    Wednesday 17th May 2017, 12:17AM
  • Sorry, I may not have been clear. My point was not that the Honora born 1855 is a different person. My point was that the HANNAH BORN 1859 is probably the SAME PERSON as your Anne.

    According to, Joseph Shanahan & Bridget Walsh had at least eight children baptized in Ballybunion between 1843 and 1859: 

    (1) Catherine b Dec 1843…;

    (2) Mary b Mar 1845…;

    (3) Edmund b Jan 1847…;

    (4) Bridget b Feb 1849…;

    (5) Ellen B Jul 1853…;

    (6) Honora b Dec 1855…;

    (7) Joseph b Dec 1857…;

    (8) Hannah* b Mar 1859…

    * incorrectly transcribed the record as a second daughter named "Honora." But a review of the original at shows that the name was Hannam or Hannah.

    It's very common for the years to be off a few years in the U.S. -- even in official records.


    Wednesday 17th May 2017, 01:00PM
  • Hi Kate, 

    Now I understand...Since Honora is listed 2 times on different dates I was confused. I can see now how the 2nd "Honora" listed could actually be "Hanna" thus Anna.  Is there someplace where the name shows Hanna instead of Honora since I had no listing for  Hanna at all. This has clearified something very much. If I had not heard from you I would still be baffled why Honora was listed twice and there was no Anna. (Hanna) .  Thank you I am excited now.

    Most respectfully

    May B-T


    Thursday 18th May 2017, 03:49PM
  • You can see the TRANSCRIPTIONS for all 8 children by doing a search here using the terms: "Shanahan" baptized "1843" to "1869" in "Ballybunion" with parents "Joseph" "Shanahan" and "Bridget" "Walsh."  

    But the ORIGINAL records are at  

    Honora born 1855 is on page 181 of the applicable Ballybunion register at  (about halfway down the page, on the 19th) The entry is a bit scribbled. But her latin name was HONORIAM (or Honoram) ... which is Honora or Nora.

    The second "Honora" born 1859 is on page 199 at  (second entry from the bottom) That entry is also scribbled.  But I think that the latin name there is probably HANNAM ... which is Hannah or Anna. And I think if you compare it to the entry for an unrelated Honoriam directly above it, you can see the difference.

    Friday 19th May 2017, 05:17PM
  • And note that March 1 is the date of the BAPTISM (with the date of birth estimated at about the same). That fits with a February 15 birth.  And years are often a few years off in the U.S. records.

    Friday 19th May 2017, 05:28PM

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